Northern Harrier & " Stressful Jobs that Pay Badly"

Northern Harrier   (Circus cyaneus, Busard Saint-Martin) Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, USA ©Christopher Dodds All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III, 500mm F4 IS, 2X II Tele-converter, Canon 580 EXII Flash with Better Beamer, Gitzo tripod and Wimberley Head II  ISO 400, F8 1/800s Manual Mode. Full Frame. Click HERE to order a print or license image for publication.

Northern Harriers have owl-like facial disks to help with directional hearing; unusual among hawks, they use their sense of hearing to locate prey.

This article from caught my eye when someone posted a link to it on FaceBook. They forgot to mention that no matter what your area of expertise, there is always a pile of people who don't depend on photography to earn their living; and those people will all do the job for 1/10 the price, or even free. I remember when I used to charge $5,000.00 for a wedding and there were always another ten "photographers" charging $500.00; you do get what you pay for. Most people think that the life of a professional photographer is glamorous and well paying....Sigh, smile.

Click on the image to go directly to the CNN article.


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