Happy Holidays

Great Grey Owl Cozy Courtship (Strix nebulosa Chouette Lapone) January 2005 Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada ©Christopher Dodds http://www.chrisdoddsphoto.com All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS 1D Mark II, 100-400mm @ 120mm. ISO 250, F6.3 1/800s Manual Exposure. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A PRINT or LICENSE AN IMAGE FOR PUBLICATION.

Happy Holidays

This was the time of year when my mom changed her "four season film" and sent it off to the lab. It was always fun to see the 24 pictures from the previous year; they usually included last years Christmas pictures, a couple of birthdays, the family camping trip and if I broke my nose, or my brother broke his leg that year; there'd be a picture of it. Always fun to look back through the ages.

May you have a year filled with great images, the wind always at your back, the sun always golden and behind you and may you be safe, happy and healthy weather you travel near, or far. All the very best for the Holiday season and the New Year ahead. 

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