Cozad Ranch, Linn, Texas

Pyrrhuloxia, Cozad Ranch, Linn, Texas

©Christopher Dodds

Canon EOS 1DsMKIII, 500mm F4 Lens with 2X II Tele-converter

ISO 250, F8, 1/640s Aperture priority +1/3, Flash ETTL II -2+2/3

Named from Greek terms describing its coloration and the shape of its bill, the Pyrrhuloxia is often called the "Desert Cardinal".

After an unforgettable morning on Tuesday, April 28 at the Ramirez Family Ranch, we drove the 50 odd miles to the Cozad Ranch in Linn, Texas. The 5,000 acre Cozad Ranch seems even hotter and drier than it felt while in Roma. The birding has been great, with many more keepers to edit and optimize (where will I find the time - smile). I have this afternoon, tomorrow morning and afternoon here, before flying home on Friday, May, 1. It's been an amazing trip with many images and stories to tell. I will be continuing to post images from the trip as I start to edit & optimize them.