9/11 Tribute

American Bald Eagle MOURNING SONG , Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Pygargue à tête blanche) Homer, AK ©Christopher Dodds www.chrisdoddsphoto.com Canon EOS 1D MKII, 500mm F4IS ISO 400, F4 1/250s Manual mode. Gitzo 1325 tripod and Wimberley Head. Click HERE to order a print or license image for publication.

The world changed eight years ago on September 11, 2001. This image is my tribute to that tragic day.

This image of an American Bald Eagle, MOURNING SONG, is symbolic of the pain and hurt of that day, but also strength and courage; Let us never forget.

This image was captured on the last day of my first trip to Homer, Alaska. I ventured out in the dark with an image like this in my mind. I had tried on several mornings to make this image, but several things had to align for it to become a reality. I needed the full co-operation of the pre-dawn light, lightly overcast sky and not only an Eagle, but an Eagle on my perch, parallel to me and with it's wings outstretched and singing. I knew I was asking a lot, but the moment I pressed the shutter release will remain in my memory forever. I can still hear the "kleek-kik-ik-ik", kak-kak-kak" and remember just how cold and damp the pre-dawn Alaskan air was.

Comments welcome & appreciated.

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