Snowy Winter Owl Safari Workshop Kudos

Snowy Owl LEAN (Nyctea scandiaca, Harfang des neiges, SNOW) Ontario, Canada. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Canon EOS 1DMKIV,  500mm F4 IS with Think-Tank Photo Hydrophobia 300-600 Tripod & Jobu Jr. 3. ISO 1,600, f/5.6 @ 1/1,600s Manual. PURCHASE A PRINT or LICENSE IMAGE FOR PUBLICATION HERE.

Snowy Owl Irruption

A Snowy Owl (Nyctea scandiaca, Harfang des neiges, SNOW) takes flight from a snow covered farm field on an overcast day during the great Snowy Owl Irruption that occurred during the winter of 2011-2012. Abundant Lemmings and Voles at their nesting grounds high on the Arctic Tundra ensured large clutches of eggs and fledgling survival (The size of the clutch depends on prey availability; the more prey there is, the more eggs the female will lay). Once fledged, the now massive population of Snowy Owls ate all available food near their nests and started what has become the largest Southern Migration of Snowy Owls ever recorded.


"Hi Chris, Great trip, EH!!

Seriously, I want to thank you for a wonderful week. Great company, wonderful opportunities on the Snowy Owls and lots of fun.

I have been on quite a few photo workshops, and what sets yours apart (aside from the fun), is your knowledge of the natural history of the subjects, and your encyclopedic knowledge of nature photography and photography in general. You seemed to know what the Owls would do before they did, and thus we got great shots.

I profited as much from the down time between shots as from the shooting time.  What was so helpful to me was that I not only learned your recommendations for settings, but the why, in detail. You have a depth of knowledge such that when I challenged assumptions (which is natural for me as a physician), there was always a firm explanation leading back to a scientific or photographic principle. As a result I understand exactly why I am using that particular technique, and am completely comfortable with it. I learned a ton!!!

The focus was always on us getting the shots (after the welfare of the wildlife), on learning, and thirdly on fun.

I would go on another workshop with you in a minute, because no matter where it was I know I would learn something.

I really appreciate your scientific approach to photography, your having researched and tested your choices!

I feel fortunate to have had the experience of learning from one of THE BEST.  Thanks for a great week.

Until next outing,"

- Mike Gotthelf Fitchburg | MA | USA

2013 Winter Snowy Owl Safari Workshop announced

Be sure not to miss-out and register early for 2013 Winter Snowy Owl Safari/Workshop HERE