Quality, not quantity?

Tufted Puffin BAD HAIR DAY (Fratercula cirrhata, Macareux huppé, TUPU) Saint Paul Island, The Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea, Alaska. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Canon 1DX, 600mm F4 L IS II , 1.4X Teleconverter III & 25mm Extension Tube, Tripod & Jobu Jr. 3 ISO 1,250 f/16 @ 1/400s Manual Mode.  PURCHASE A PRINT or LICENSE IMAGE FOR PUBLICATION HERE.

My Saint Paul Island trip was simply fantastic; I had a sold-out group of eight fantastic photographers (six repeat workshop clients) and we enjoyed near perfect photographic conditions with endless photographic opportunities. While preparing for this year's trip, I pre-visualized a portrait of a Tufted Puffin with it's hair (or tufts) blowing in the wind; I was thrilled to have the opportunity to make the image above on an overcast day with gusty wind blowing it's tufts all over the place.

I spent a considerable amount of time perched on top of a cliff with my camera pointed straight down at this Tuffted Puffin waiting for that perfect moment to press the shutter thinking about the old "Quality, not quantity" adage (An adage is a short, usually philosophical, but memorable saying which holds some important fact of experience that is considered true by many people, or that has gained some credibility through its long memetic use. - Wikipedia). You see, I had a participant who I never saw take a single image during the entire trip; all eight days! When asked, he would simply say "Quality, not quantity" with a big smile on his face "Don't worry, I got some good stuff here". He said he was from the old school.

Well, If I had not perservered and hit the trigger every time this Puiffin's head swang back, and forth, I would not have made this image. I took 101 frames during the session; 14 were timed perfectly for the head angle, 13 had at least one nictitating membrane covering an eye and only one made me happy (okay, really happy)! I spend an incredible amount of time photographing very fast moving birds and have very good hand eye co-ordination, but if I had only pressed the shutter once, like the gentelman suggested, I would not have this image. While I agree it's useless to push the trigger unless there is a change of producing a great image; the very best image may have been the one you didn't take. I truly do believe that once your subject presents, you owe it some time and effort ... you owe it the very best result, not the first one - smile.

2015 Saint Paul Island Photographic Expedition/Adventure

I have, yet again, secured the very best week to be on Saint Paul Island for 2015. Do join me for the trip of a lifetime from July 5 to July 12, 2015. This is an Eight day (seven night) photographic dream trip - read more about my July 5 to July 12 Saint Paul Island Photographic Expedition and Adventure HERE.