No matter what your level of experience you can learn from Chris!
I have been a registered NPS Nikon Pro for years and am now a registered Canon CPS pro photographer. I have had the privilege of photographing wildlife and landscape for years. When I found Chris’ web site I was super impressed with the quality of images so I signed up for his Homer Alaska eagle trip for early March 2017.
Chris has a wonderful warm personality whom cares about his fellow photographers on his trips. I learned additional trips and traps from him and he assisted my conversion knowledge from Nikon to Canon gear. His help was thoughtful, accurate and delivered in a manner that assists one getting the very best of images. His approach to using manual exposure is brilliant and one that any bird photographer should embrace for improved outcomes. He also very focused on the important light directions which can make or break your image outcomes. If you travel the London England underground tube system you cannot get the safety message “mind the gap” off your mind – when you travel with Chris you will now have the message in your mind “mind the shadow direction”. The techniques and tools Chris instills will serve you well in all your photographic moments.
I came home from this trip with stunning images that are impressive! Chris makes his duty that you obtain the type of images you hoped to achieve. Wildlife is unpredictable but Chris will assist you going home with more than you thought possible. His knowledge of the photo industry is very deep. You will find you will enjoy the fireside chats, learn from every moment, and enjoy his company.
Chris also spends considerable time on scene to ensure that his location he determines for his photo workshop choices provide the photo opportunities you want. His pre-trip information is one of the best I have experienced for assisting your planning to the very smallest detail. I have already booked my next trip with Chris which confirms he is truly a person that you should meet and create wonderful images together.
Wynne Powell - British Columbia, Canada