An immature Bald Eagle on final approach during my Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska. I chose the newly released combination of the Sony a9 mark III and Sony 300 f/2.8 lens for the 120 fps frame rate of the a9 III and the incredible sharpness and extremely narrow depth-of-field of the 300 f/2.8 to ensure I captured direct eye contact while obliterating the background to make the subject pop. The snow was the icing on the cake :)
Immature Bald Eagle Blizzard Flight (Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Pygargue à tête blanche, BAEA) March 12, 2024 near Homer, Alaska. Image copyright ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha a9 III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 300mm f/2.8 G Master OSS Lens @300mm ISO 4,000, f/2.8 @ 1/5,000s. Manual Exposure mode. Full frame image. Join me for my Eagles Galore workshop next March. To learn more, CLICK HERE.