Here's an intimate portrait of a Moose Cow and her calf from Baxter State Park in Maine from my workshop on Sept. 15, 2006. While hanging out for the Giant Bull Moose, we often watch and photograph the females and their young eating the sodium-rich, lake-bottom pondweed.
North American moose's summer aquatic plant diet is linked to sodium needs. While sodium is available in a woody plant diet of leaves, twigs, and buds, emergent or submerged aquatic plants produce an average of four times more nutrition than terrestrial plants. Aquatic plants are more digestible and have higher concentrations of minerals than woody forest browse, a more typical winter moose diet. Oh, one last thing: "moose" is from the Native Algonquin language and translates roughly to "twig eater."
Moose Cow & Calf MOOSE MOMENT (Alces alces, Elan, Orignal) Sept. 15, 2006, Baxter State Park, Maine Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS 1DsMKII, 500mm F4 and 2XII teleconverter ISO 500, F8 1/250s Manual mode. Full frame image.