The winds were all wrong for today's first day of my Better than Bosque workshop, the first day of five full days. Birds takeoff and land into the wind like airplanes, so the birds were all flying away from the light :( We had a few great encounters with Northern Harriers and Redtail Hawks in sunny and cloudy conditions with variable clouds. I am happy to report that I have an exceptional group of great folks with 50% repeat clients.
Just announced: Join me next year for my Dec. 5-9, 2025 Best of Bosque workshop!
Northern Harrier Cartwheeling in flight (Circus hudsonius, busard Saint-Martin, NOHA) from the first day of my Better than Bosque workshop. Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio, New Mexico, USA. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony a9 III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 8,000, f/8 @ 1/5,000s. Manual exposure.