Despite being about 15 % larger than the other two distinct and recognizable breeding populations of this species, it was still rather difficult to get a decent in flight photograph while sitting atop the wind-blown cliffs of Saint Paul Island in the rain with a super-telephoto lens. The wind was howling and the Finch would occasionally stall as it looked for insects on the cliff directly below me.
Pribilofs Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch In Flight. The background is the Bering Sea (Leucosticte tephrocotis umbrina, Roselin à tête grise, GCRF) Saint Paul Island, AK ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha a9 Mirrorless Camera & Sony FE 400 f/2.8 GM OSS with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter ISO 10,000, f/5.6 @ 1/3,200s Manual Exposure mode. Join me for my Saint Paul Island, AK workshop this July to learn more CLICK HERE.