Rhinelia margaritfera - South American Common Toad

South American Common Toad (Rhinelia margaritfera). Provincia de Colón, Panama. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds  www.chrisdoddsphoto.com All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS 5DMKII, Sigma 150mm F2.8 Macro, Wimberley F2 Macro Flash Bracket, Canon 580 EX II Flash with LumiQuest Softbox III Hand-held. ISO 800, F10 @ 1/80s Manual mode. Full Frame.


"Thank you for your marvellous Gannets Galore workshop on Bonaventure Island that my husband and I attended (June '08). The course advanced my comprehension of digital photography, and taught techniques for capturing birds in flight and in varying weather conditions. I was thrilled that one of my photos from the workshop was recognized as a "photo of the week" in the 2009 National Geographic International Photography Contest (Nature, Oct. - week 3). Your instruction was invaluable!

Thanks for sharing your invaluable expertise!
Leslie Scopes Anderson | Arcata, CA

Thanks for writing, Leslie and congratulations! Your preening Northern Gannet portrait is well worth the honour.