Look closely :) A Bald Eagle banking in flight with fresh catch from my Alaska Eagles Galore Workshop in March. Join me for an incredible workshop with more Eagles than you can imagine. Learn more about my March Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska HERE.
Sandhill Crane Pair Silhouette
What can I say? I am a sucker for silhouettes. The biggest challenge once I found a suitable location with some vegetation to frame the image, was getting the pair with opposing wing positions.
How to expose for fog: Northern Gannet Landing with Seaweed in Fog
My second group was treated to some heavy fog and wind while at the Gannetry on Bonaventure Island. Fog is often misunderstood by eager photographers; The histogram shifts everything right when properly exposed for the highlights, which results in an image without much contrast. Once captured properly, it is very much up to the photographer to make adjustments post-capture to reflect the intended artistic result: adjusting the black point to taste can result in an image that looked very much like the photographer saw it, or almost completely remove the fog by adjusting the black point.