Gura Gear Good News Bad News


I have just received two back-up copies of my favorite and go-to camera bag. The Gura Gear Bataflae 32L easily fits my Canon 600mm II, two Canon 1DX pro bodies, Canon 24-70/2.8 II, both my 1.4 and 2X Extenders and both extension tubes with extra room of flash and accessories and my Canon 70-200/2.8 II or my Canon 100-400 II. It is well made, light and easy to get through airports and onto aircraft. Even as Air Canada cracks down on carry-on baggage, I have brought my Gura Gear bag everywhere I have traveled over the last few years.

Good news first: Chris from Outdoor Photo Gear has secured all remaining stock of Gura Gear bags. He has slashed prices and is now offering readers of my blog an exclusive additional 10% savings! Be sure to follow the links below, and use the coupon code "NATURE" while at the check-out:

USE CUPON CODE NATURE to save an additional 10% and get free shipping anywhere in the continental US

Bad News: In a "case" of David buying Goliath, Gura Gear has purchased the Tamrac brand of camera bags. As part of their restructuring, the Gura Gear line of boutique camera bags will be re-named, redesigned and re-branded. From what I have heard, they have made a new version, with some "mass market" components to fit the Tamrac brand placement. What does this mean? We will see a mass produced version (with no-name zippers) hitting camera store shelves at some point in the future. Only time will tell what will come of the Gura Gear bags, but I'm not taking any chances am thrilled to have saved some cash on my back-up copies.