We had spectacular light for both of my Eagles Galore workshops in Alaska. This was from a very windy day which meant that the eagles would grab a fish and fly directly into the heavy gusts, which propelled them skyward while quickly gaining altitude - often banking to reveal their fresh catch against the mountains while illuminated by the golden light.
Bald Eagle Fishing Silhouette
Creating pleasing silhouettes is much easier than you might think. Look back through this blog, and you will find that my exposure settings for silhouettes are almost always the same. I always point my camera to the brightest part of the sky and set the ISO to 400, aperture to f/5.6 and shutter speed to 1/5,000 of a second; this will always produce a sharp and noise-free image.
In post-capture processing, I slide the black point and shadow slider to ensure my subject is black. I usually slide the colour temperature to the right - remember this is a creative process and adjust to taste!
Bald Eagle pre sunrise pastels
We were out before the sun every day of both Eagles Galore workshops and saw some incredible pastel hues in the sky - smile.
Bald Eagle out of the shadows
A Bald Eagle banks out of the shadows, illuminated by the very last drops of golden light during my recently concluded Eagles Galore workshop in Alaska. We had some epic weather, flat water and amazing light with both groups using all of our allotment of boat time (with a little extra bonus). Join me in Alaska next March for an Epic Alaskan Eagle adventure workshop!
Eagles Galore Workshop every March
Learn more and sign-up HERE
Eagles Galore Workshop every March 🦅 Learn more and sign-up HERE 🦅
More Snowy Owl workshop kudos
Images copyright and courtesy Dave Christopher.
Snowy Owl Workshop Testimonials
Snowy Owl images copyright and courtesy of Joe Norton
Bald Eagle Workshop update
There are still a couple of spots left for my Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska. Join me for the adventure, Eagles Galore and so much more!
Join the adventure and bring home a portfolio full of Bald Eagle images LEARN MORE HERE
Join the adventure and bring home a portfolio full of Bald Eagle images LEARN MORE HERE 🦅
Bad Eagle Hunting
Another Bald Eagle on the hunt photographed during my Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska with the Sony FE 100-400mm G Master zoom lens @ 263mm.
Bald Eagle Snowy Portrait
A Bald Eagle photographed during my Eagles Galore Workshop with the Sony FE 100 to 400mm G Master lens @ 330mm while it was lightly snowing.
Bald Eagle Portrait on black
Here is another portrait of a Bald Eagle made with the Sony FE 100-400mm f/5.6 G Master lens at 400mm. The dark background makes for a much more dramatic image :)
Bald Eagle Portrait/Stare
Q: Hi Chris, I am interested in your Bald Eagle workshop in Alaska. My longest lens is the Sony 100-400, and I am worried that I won’t get close enough to the action/Eagles - especially for portraits.
A: Hey Marc, As this image demonstrates, we will get close to the Eagles. This portrait was made with the same Sony 100-400mm lens that you own - smile.
Bald Eagle Calling while Banking
Join me, Christopher Dodds, in Kachemak Bay, where many of my famous Eagle images were made. This is your chance to make a truly remarkable & complete portfolio of Eagle images, dramatic fishing and flight shots, and dynamic portraits, and there is truly no prettier place than this for Eagles in their environment with mountains as the background. Learn more about my Eagles Galore workshop in Alaska HERE.
Bald Eagle wings in flight
Join me for an Alaskan Eagle Adventure like no other! Learn more HERE
Join me for an Alaskan Eagle Adventure like no other! Learn more HERE 🦅
Bald Eagle Fishing
There are still a few spots left for my Eagles Galore workshop in Alaska. Join me for an incredible adventure in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Did I mention the Eagles Galore? Learn more about my March Eagles Galore workshop in Alaska HERE.
Bald Eagle Portrait
On a dark and miserable morning, I underexposed the ambient exposure by three full stops darkening the background and used an LED flashlight to illuminate the subject. I exhaled on the flashlight's lens to use the condensation to diffuse the light. The result is the same as a “flash as main light” image = something different.
Bald Eagle predawn fishing
It is always a thrill to set up on a beach in remote Alaska before dawn on a windless (and waveless) morning. This Bald Eagle made for a sudden adrenaline rush but ultimately missed the fish!
Join me in Alaska for a dream Eagle photography workshop. CLICK HERE for more information
Join me in Alaska for a dream Eagle photography workshop. CLICK HERE for more information 🦅
Bald Eagle Wing Stretch
Another from my Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska. Being close enough to capture this image at 224mm is always a thill!
Two Bald Eagles
Join me in Alaska in March for adventure, fun, learning and Eagles galore! Learn more about my March 5-9 & March 10-14 Eagles Galore Workshop HERE.
Bald Eagle flying in a snowstorm
Bald Eagle
There is still space for my Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska. Join me in Alaska for Eagles Galore, adventure and a portfolio full of Eagle images.