Blue-eyed Barred Owl Flying and Tapetum lucidum explained

We had an incredible end to this week’s Winter Owl Workshops yesterday. This Barred Owl spent a few hours hunting in the open meadows in front of my group. It was the perfect end to an incredible week of winter owling with another great group.

Tapetum lucidum

Barred owl eyes can sometimes appear blue due to light scattering and how their eyes reflect light under certain conditions. While barred owls naturally have dark brown to black eyes, they may look blue in photos or under specific lighting.

More details: The tapetum lucidum is a layer of tissue in the eyes of many vertebrates and other animals that lies immediately behind the retina. It reflects visible light back through the retina, increasing the light available to the photoreceptors. The tapetum lucidum contributes to the superior night vision of some animals.


I recently attended the Winter Owl workshop, and I can honestly say it was an incredible experience. Not only did we have the opportunity to capture a number of  stunning owls in their natural habitat, but the whole trip was expertly organized. Chris was knowledgeable, patient, and offered great tips to help elevate my skills.   It was an unforgettable experience that I highly recommend to anyone looking to improve their wildlife photography while enjoying a unique adventure! - Mike B. (Virginia, USA).

Barred Owl (Strix varia, Chouette rayée, BADO) Ontario, Canada, during my recent Winter Owl Workshops. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony a9 Mark III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 10,000, f/8 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure. Full frame image.

Belted Kingfisher flying head on.

A Belted Kingfisher in flight from earlier today while scouting for my Better than Bosque Workshop around Albuquerque, New Mexico. Although there were moments of epic light between clouds, the birds didn’t seem to understand that it was showtime, and I had to settle for this image made while it was cloudy - smile.

It was great to stretch after an uneventful drive in my RV from my home near Montreal to Albuquerque, New Mexico (3,500km or 2,200 miles). I will be on the move and actively scouting until my workshop starts on December 5.

Belted Kingfisher Flying Head On (Megaceryle alcyon, Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique, BEKI) from this morning while scouting for my Better than Bosque workshop. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha Alpha 9 III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 12,800, f/8 @ 1/5,000s. Manual exposure.

Raven in flight with a mouse

During my Best of Bosque Workshop last December, we were set up in front of a cornfield on the North Loop, where the Cottonwood trees line the ditch. I remember everyone ignoring this Raven while we were in front of about 5,000 Sandhill Cranes. I am always looking for something different, and I initially thought this Raven might have a bird in its bill, so I rattled off a few frames and discovered it was a mouse for breakfast. The golden light and pumpkin orange out-of-focus autumn cottonwood trees in the background make it special.

Raven in flight with a mouse in Golden Light (Corvus corax, Grand corbeau, CORA) from my Better than Bosque workshop. Bosque del Apache NWR, San Antonio, New Mexico, USA. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 6,400, f/8 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure.

Sandhill Crane Landing HEAD-ON

The excitement was off the charts when a Sandhill Crane landed directly in front of us during my Best of Bosque Workshop in New Mexico. When the wind is right, you know where to go to get the best backgrounds in New Mexico (The out-of-focus autumn Cottonwood leaves), and you are set up and ready for action……

Sandhill Crane Landing HEAD-ON (Grus canadenis, Grue du Canada, SACR) from my Better than Bosque workshop. Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio, New Mexico, USA. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 5,000, f/8 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure. Full frame image.

CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up for Best of Bosque Workshop Dec. 5-9


CLICK HERE to learn more and sign up for Best of Bosque Workshop Dec. 5-9 🪿

Northern Gannet with Seaweed and Gannets Galore Workshop on Bonaventure Island Announced

A Northern Gannet flying over the Northern Gannet Colony on Bonaventure Island with seaweed during my Gannets Galore Workshop in Quebec, Canada.

I am on my way home from hosting two back-to-back awesome groups of photographers during my Gannets Galore Workshops on Bonaventure Island in Quebec. We had a fair mix of weather and enjoyed incredible photographic experiences during the early morning Zodiac adventures underneath the bird-filled cliffs and while at the gannetry. Everyone was amazed by the sheer volume of birds circling and swirling around the Zodiac: Common Murres, Razorbills, Black-legged Kittiwakes, Black Guillemots, Harlequin Ducks, Common Eiders and, of course, the most beautiful Northern Gannets!

June 5-7, 2025 Gannets Galore and so much more workshop is now live HERE:

Northern Gannet in flight with seaweed (Morus bassanus, Fou de Bassan, NOGA) from my GANNETS GALORE WORKSHOP at Bonaventure Island, Quebec, Canada ©Christopher Dodds All Rights Reserved. Sony Alpha a9 III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS Lens @374mm. ISO 640, f/6.3 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure. Full frame image.

Osprey in flight with fresh catch

An Osprey with a freshly caught fish from my recently concluded Ospreys Galore workshop in Florida.

Brown and white, with nearly six-foot wingspans, ospreys are formidable birds of prey that feed exclusively on fish. Also known as fish hawks, they hover over rivers, lakes, and seacoasts as they search for prey. Once they spot a tantalizing flash, ospreys plunge feet-first into the water, often with a great splash, and seize their slippery catch in sharp talons. On the flight home, they usually hold the fish facing forward, reducing wind resistance.

OSPREY in flight with fresh catch (Pandion haliaetus, Balbuzard pêcheur, OSPR) from my Ospreys Galore Workshop on April 9, 2024, at Sebastian Inlet, Florida, USA. Image copyright ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha a9 III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 2,000, f/8 @ 1/5,000s. Manual Exposure mode. Full-frame image. Join me for my Ospreys Galore workshop every April. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

Red-shouldered Hawk

I love exploring the hidden canals controlling Lake Blue Cypress's water level during the afternoons of my Ospreys Galore (and so much more) Workshop in Florida. This image was made during the first workshop on the afternoon of April 6 as this Red-shouldered Hawk flew a short distance between two trees.

The Sony a9 III has proven to be a remarkable action camera; the autofocus is a step beyond that of the Alpha 1, and the 120 fps Raw capture is a game changer.

Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus, Buse à épaulettes, RSHA) from my Ospreys Galore Workshop Lake Blue Cypress near Vero Beach, Florida, USA. Image copyright ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha a9 III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 2,000, f/8 @ 1/5,000s. Manual Exposure. Full frame image. Join me for my Ospreys Galore workshop every April. To learn more, CLICK

Snail Kite in Flight

This Snail Kite is undoubtedly one of the more bizarre raptors of the world, but it is emblematic of the Everglades, so much so that for years, it was called the Everglades Kite. We often see them hunt Apple Snails while exploring the waterways during my Ospreys Galore Workshop in Florida.

OSPREY Showing off a Fish for breakfast in golden light (Rostrhamus sociabilis, Milan des Marais, SNKI) from my Ospreys Galore Workshop Lake Blue Cypress near Vero Beach, Florida, USA. Image copyright ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha a1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony 1.4X Teleconverter @840mm ISO 2,000, f/5.6 @ 1/5,000s. Manual Exposure mode. Join me for my Ospreys Galore workshop every April. To learn more, CLICK

Bald Eagle in flight Sony a9III with Sony 300 f/2.8 and doubler

Here is another Bald Eagle from my recently concluded Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska. I used the new Sony a9III paired with the new Sony 300 f/2.8 and the Sony 2X tele-extender. My settings were wide open at f/5.6, ISO 6,400 and 1/5,000 of a second shutter speed.

When I picked up the Sony a9 Mark III for the first time, I noticed how fast the autofocus was. I didn’t expect much, as the Sony a1 has worked flawlessly for me since its release in January 2021. The new a9 mark III acquires autofocus quicker and reacts to unpredictable movement even better than expected; it is faster and more capable than the Sony a1.

The new Sony 300 f/2.8 lives up to my expectations. It has faster autofocus than the 400 f/2.8 and incredible edge-to-edge image sharpness. It is also light, compact, and easy to hold.

I was blown away by the autofocus and image quality when paired with the Sony 2X tele-extender. This full-frame image is a good example of how well the autofocus of the combined lens and tele-extender works; captured at the near end of the autofocus limit, this is the point where auto-focus usually fails.

I am so impressed that I am considering selling off my Sony a1 inventory!

Bald Eagle in flight (Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Pygargue à tête blanche, BAEA) March 11, 2024 near Homer, Alaska. Image copyright ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha a9 III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 300mm f/2.8 G Master OSS Lens with Sony 2X @600mm ISO 6,400, f/5.6 @ 1/5,000s. Manual Exposure mode. Full frame image. Join me for my Eagles Galore workshop next March. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

Bald Eagle in a Snow Storm a la Sony a9III and 300 f/2.8 & KUDOS

I am home from hosting two epic back-to-back Eagles Galore Workshops in Alaska. The weather was excellent, with both groups using all of their boat time (we loved the daily four-hour trips). Both groups got a fair mix of weather, including the prized SNOW!

There is so much to say about the incredible new Sony a9 III and the new Sony 300 f/2.8; perhaps I should keep it all to myself to keep an edge and stay one step ahead of the competition - smile.

Bald Eagle in a Snow Storm (Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Pygargue à tête blanche, BAEA) March 12, 2024 near Homer, Alaska. Image copyright ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha a9 III Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 300mm f/2.8 G Master OSS Lens @300mm ISO 2,500, f/2.8 @ 1/5,000s. Manual Exposure mode. Full frame image. Join me for my Eagles Galore workshop next March. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

This is the second time I have attended this eagle workshop. I came back as the imaging that Chris helped me obtain was stunning in 2017 and now in 2024.

The weather is always challenging, but Chris’s over 40 years of experience with photo opportunities here in Alaska help produce stunning eagle images, from in-flight to charming head portraits.

Chris is a host that you will enjoy – he knows how to tease out the birds for that special photo opportunity, irrespective of local weather challenges. His ability to assist both the casual amateur and full-fledged pro-level individuals is amazing, and with all brands of mirrorless cameras. He knows lenses, bodies and settings to assist all users.

Chris’s special gift is the immense bird knowledge that he possesses – once you come on one of his trips and experience this reality, you will realize how special his skill set is.

Over the years, I have attended numerous workshops with Chris. I have never been disappointed, and I always look forward to the next time with him.
— Wynne Powell - British Columbia, Canada

Bald Eagle Talons Clutching Fresh Caught Fish in Flight

Do Bald eagles have talons or claws?

A common question is whether bald eagles have talons or claws. A quick literature review suggests that claws and talons are similar in composition, form, and function. Technically, mammals, reptiles, and birds have claws that have very similar appearances. But the claws of a bald eagle and other birds of prey are called talons. This is to say that only birds of prey have talons, while other animals, including non-birds of prey, have claws. For instance, we say the claws of a duck or a dove, never the talons of a duck or a dove.

Bald Eagle Talons Clutching Fresh Caught Fish In Flight (Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Pygargue à tête blanche, BAEA) near Homer, Alaska. Image copyright ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 400mm f/2.8 G Master OSS Lens. ISO 3,200, f/2.8 @ 1/5,000s. Manual Exposure mode. Join me for my Eagles Galore workshop every March. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

Fishing Bald Eagle Exploding Head-on with Fish

A Bald Eagle explodes towards us with freshly caught fish during my Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska. I can’t think of anything as thrilling in nature photography as when you review your images and realize you got the shot!

We have two spots open for my March 10-14 Eagles Galore trip due to an unfortunate medical emergency, so join me for the Ultimate Alaskan Eagles Galore trip of a lifetime if you can get to Alaska in time.

Fishing Bald Eagle Exploding Head-on with Fish (Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Pygargue à tête blanche, BAEA) near Homer, Alaska. Image copyright ©Christopher Dodds Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 400mm f/2.8 G Master OSS Lens. ISO 4,000, f/4 @ 1/5,000s. Manual Exposure mode. Full frame image. Join me for my Eagles Galore workshop every March. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

Short-eared Owl with Prey

A Short-eared Owl was proudly showing off its Meadow Vole lunch. The image was captured during my first Winter Owl Workshop last week. As I turned the ISO to 20,000, I had fond memories of the first time I photographed this species with 25 ISO Kodachrome 40 years ago!

Short-eraed Owl in Flight with Meadow Vole Prey (Asio flammeus, Hibou des marais, SEOW). From my first Winter Owls Galore workshop that concluded on Friday. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 20,000, f/8 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure.

Short-eared owl

This was the last frame from the first of my Winter Owl workshops, which concluded yesterday. The snow was a welcome treat after many weather-related challenges (Rain & tropical weather)!

The Short-eared Owl was first described in 1763 by Danish bishop and amateur naturalist Erich Ludvigsen Pontoppidan. They have also been called the Evening Owl, Marsh Owl, Bog Owl, Grass Owl, Meadow Owl, Mouse-hawk, and Flat-faced Owl.

Short-eraed Owl in Flight (Asio flammeus, Hibou des marais, SEOW) The last frame from my first Winter Owls Galore workshop that concluded yesterday. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 12,800, f/8 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure. Full Frame image.

Blue Goose (Dark Morph Snow Goose) Ventral Bank

A Blue Goose (Dark morph Snow Goose) offers a ventral view as it banks vertically to lose altitude rapidly while descending into a corn field during my Better than Bosque Workshop in New Mexico.

Snow Goose (Blue morph) Banking (Chen Caerulescens, Oie des Neiges forme bleu, SNGO) from my Better than Bosque workshop. Near Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio, New Mexico, USA. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 1,000, f/8 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure.

Juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk in flight

This Sharp-shinned Hawk (Sharpie) tried to sneak past as we were preoccupied with the Snow Geese landing towards us during my recent Better than Bosque workshop in New Mexico. I have just announced next year’s Better than Bosque workshop from Dec. 5-9, 2024. Learn more and sign up HERE.

Juvenile Sharp-shinned Hawk (Sharpie) in flight (Accipiter striatus, Épervier brun, SSHA) from my recently concluded Better than Bosque workshop. Bernardo Wildlife Area (Ladd S. Gordon Waterfowl Complex), Bernardo, New Mexico, USA. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 3,200, f/8 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure. Full frame image.

Belted Kingfisher

We had some great times and incredible opportunities with Belted Kingfishers while scouting for my BETTER THAN BOSQUE WORKSHOP in New Mexico while catching up with friends Doug and Kristin Brown (Special thanks to Doug for the Kingfisher spot).

Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon, Martin-pêcheur d'Amérique, BEKI) while scouting for my Better than Bosque workshop. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 10,000, f/8 @ 1/5,000s. Manual exposure.

Snowy Owls: They're back!

One of three frames I made during my brief encounter with this beauty while cruising the backroads looking for ….. owls :) Only two spots are left for my winter Snowy Owl Workshops in January.

Snowy Owl in flight (Bubo scandiacus, Harfang des Neiges, SNOW) from my Winter Snowy Owl Photo Tour in Canada. Image Copyright 2022 ©Christopher Dodds All Rights Reserved. Sony Alpha a1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens. ISO 5,000 @ 1/5,000s f/4. Full frame image.