Facebook and WIN a Cotton Carrier

Northern Hawk-Owl TOUCHDOWN (Surnia ulula, Chouette épervière) Low, Quebec. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds  All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS 1DMKIV, 300mm F2.8 IS, 1.4X Extender III Tripod & Wimberley Head II ISO 800, F5.6 1/2000s Manual. Full Frame. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A PRINT or LICENSE IMAGE FOR PUBLICATION.

Social networking, marketing, or whatever you want to call it; I have a problem. It seems that before I realized it, I have hit the 5,000 friend limit on Facebook. I have now set-up a fan page, which is the direction I should have taken up front had I known. To celebrate my new fan page, and to get you to head over and "LIKE" it, I will be giving some stuff away.


I like my Cotton Carrier so much, that I thought it would be fitting to give one away. Head over, and LIKE my new fan page HERE before midnight on Friday, March 11, 2011 and I will have my dog, T-Bone (AKA: MR. T or THE T) choose one of you to get a free Cotton Carrier! That's it. Anyone who has already LIKED my page is automatically eligible to win. Simple and shipping is included! Special shout out and thanks to my peeps over @ Cotton Carrier!

Canadian Nature Photographer Christopher Dodds(that's me - smile) stylin' with a  a Cotton Carrier over his Canada Goose Parka. Image copyright and courtesy Julie Morrison - thanks, Julie.