Atlantic Puffin Portrait a la Sony a9 and Sony 100-400 G Master Lens

Fallow Deer BREATH (Dama dama, Daim) Quebec ©Christopher Dodds All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS Canon EOS 1DsMKIII, 500mm F4 L IS ,Tripod & Jobu Jr. 3 with Think-Tank Photo Hydrophobia 300-600 ISO 400, f/7.1 @ 1/200s Manual mode. Full Frame. Click HERE to order a print or license image for publication.
Fallow Deer WINTER'S CHILD (Dama dama, Daim) Quebec ©Christopher Dodds All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS Canon EOS 1DsMKIII, 500mm F4 L IS ,Tripod & Jobu Jr. 3 with Think-Tank Photo Hydrophobia 300-600 ISO 200, f/5.6 @ 1/200s Manual mode. Full Frame. Click HERE to order a print or license image for publication.
It's no secret; the key to many photographer's success has been social networking. Even long before the internet, it wasn't necessarily how good your photography was; your success depended on how well connected you were. There are a few lingering professional photographers who's work rarely comes close to the plethora of simply breathtaking images from hard working amateurs seen every day on the web; they were widely published because they were among an elite circle of people who knew about some amazing locations which consistently produced amazing opportunity - and they were connected to the image buyers.
Today, thanks to the internet, those locations are widely known and image buyers are easy to find. Many argue the merits and the shortcomings of social media, and I don't want to write a book about it, but I've pretty much come to the conclusion that any effort I invest into any one of a number of social outlets I use is rewarded handsomely. Print sales and workshop bookings are up every time I am active online. Why not join the fun and connect with me:
More prizes have arrived from these great sponsors! Jobu Designs (makers of my favorite Gimbal Head - the Jobu Jr. 3), FirstPass Image downloader & Editor, Think-Tank Photo, Cotton Carrier, DigiMarc for Images and Tiffen have all jumped on-board and offered tons of prizes to show their suppoort for my Second Annual Photo Geek Christmas Party.
Join me, Canadian nature photographer Christopher Dodds, on November 30, 2011 at 7:30 PM at the Hudson Village Theatre (28 Wharf Road, Hudson, QC J0P 1H0) for an hour and a half long slideshow presentation to benefit this great cause which is so close to my heart. The show is designed to be entertaining and informative to all; nature lovers and photographers alike. Stories of adventure, natural history facts and information are all on the menu and this show is designed to offer helpful tips & techniques sure to improve your photography efforts with everything from a camera phone, point & shoot camera or professional SLR camera system. Over one hundred of my images will be projected, many unseen. Everyone is welcome!
Hurry! Only 148 seats. Tickets are only $15.00 each and are available for advance purchase only - every penny is collected by, and goes to Le Nichoir. Please call or email Le Nichoir (communication@lenichoir.org 450-458-2809) to secure your tickets, or make a donation if you can't make it (be sure to tell them it's on behalf of Chris' Photo Geek Christmas Party) Major credit cards and cheques accepted. Finger food and hors d'oeuvres are included and there will be a cash bar (please drink responsibly).
There will be ample time to mingle, meet my friends and contacts and share some of your images with others, so feel free to bring prints, iPads or laptops with your favourite images to share. I hope to see you there and PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!
Read more about it HERE
Northern Hawk-Owl TOUCHDOWN (Surnia ulula, Chouette épervière) Low, Quebec. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS 1DMKIV, 300mm F2.8 IS, 1.4X Extender III, Tripod & Wimberley Head II. ISO 800, F5.6 1/2000s Manual. Full Frame. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A PRINT or LICENSE IMAGE FOR PUBLICATION.
Social networking, marketing, or whatever you want to call it; I have a problem. It seems that before I realized it, I have hit the 5,000 friend limit on Facebook. I have now set-up a fan page, which is the direction I should have taken up front had I known. To celebrate my new fan page, and to get you to head over and "LIKE" it, I will be giving some stuff away.
I like my Cotton Carrier so much, that I thought it would be fitting to give one away. Head over, and LIKE my new fan page HERE before midnight on Friday, March 11, 2011 and I will have my dog, T-Bone (AKA: MR. T or THE T) choose one of you to get a free Cotton Carrier! That's it. Anyone who has already LIKED my page is automatically eligible to win. Simple and shipping is included! Special shout out and thanks to my peeps over @ Cotton Carrier!
Canadian Nature Photographer Christopher Dodds(that's me - smile) stylin' with a a Cotton Carrier over his Canada Goose Parka. Image copyright and courtesy Julie Morrison - thanks, Julie.