After our fantastic crew (Janine, Brigitte and Jean-Paul) served an amazing gourmet dinner (braided salmon and cod with aux gratin potato, broccoli, tomato and pepper casserole and sautéed purple cabbage followed by the best lemon meringue pie that I have ever had), we ventured out for more Puffin Photography. The Puffins were all flying back and forth to the water for baths and a few of us got some great airborne shakes in the golden light…..the ones who were willing to skip photographing only the puffins with fish - smiles.
Atlantic Puffin The Twist in Golden Light (Fratercula arctica, Macareux moine, ATPU) from my Deluxe Puffins Galore Lighthouse Island Workshop Adventure. Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve, Quebec, Canada. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony 200-600mm Lens (@600mm) ISO 1,6000, f/6.3 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure. Full Frame Image.