Atlantic Puffins dig a burrow in the soil under the grass at the top of a cliff. After cleaning out their burrows, many puffins line their nest chamber with grass, twigs, and feathers. The slightly enlarged nest chamber where the egg is laid is usually placed at the end of the burrow.
Atlantic Puffin with nesting material (Fratercula arctica, Macareux moine, ATPU) from my Deluxe Puffins Galore Lighthouse Island Workshop Adventure. Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve, Quebec, Canada. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony 1.4X teleconverter (@840mm) ISO 2,500, f/7.1 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure. Full Frame Image.