A Sandhill Crane calls as it flies past the out-of-focus autumn foliage of the cottonwood trees.
Sandhill Cranes can be heard as far as 2.5 miles (4km) away. They give loud, rattling bugle calls, each lasting a few seconds and often strung together.
Sandhill Crane calling in flight in Golden Light (Grus canadenis, Grue du Canada, SACR) from my Better than Bosque workshop. Bernardo Wildlife Area, Bernardo, New Mexico, USA. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds. Sony Alpha 1 Mirrorless camera & Sony FE 600mm f/4 G Master OSS Lens with Sony FE 2X Teleconverter @1,200mm ISO 3,200, f/8 @ 1/5,000s Manual exposure. Full frame image.