Canon 1.4x EF Extender III (Teleconverter) Northern Hawk Owl


Northern Hawk-Owl (Surnia ulula, Chouette épervière) Low, Quebec. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds  All Rights Reserved. Canon EOS 1DMKIV, 300mm F2.8 IS, 1.4X Extender III, Tripod & Wimberley Head II ISO 500, F5.6 1/2500s Manual. Full Frame. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A PRINT or LICENSE IMAGE FOR PUBLICATION.

Canon 1.4x EF Extender III (Teleconverter)

As usual, B & H Photo in the USA has had stock of the new Canon 1.4X and 2X Extender III (Teleconverters) for well over two months, and there is no sign of any arriving in Canada anytime soon. I did manage to get my hands on a 1.4X III a little over a week ago through Canon Canada (who always seem last to get new products from Canon headquarters), and am still waiting for my 2X to arrive in Canada (without an expected delivery date).

The two new EF extenders are direct replacements of the current extenders offered by Canon as essential accessories for professionals. These new extenders have been designed to provide faster autofocusing and improved autofocus precision with compatible EF lenses. Each extender includes an anomalous dispersion lens element for reduced chromatic aberration and enhanced optical image quality. Each extender also features a newly developed microcomputer that increases AF precision when the extenders are used with a IS Series II EF super-telephoto lens. Both extenders are equipped with rubber gaskets and seals to enhance weather resistance. A new fluorine anti-smear coating is applied to the front and rear elements of both extenders.        -CANON PRESS RELEASE

After only a few uses, I find the new coatings increase contrast, and therefore increase the acquisition speed and accuracy of the 1D Mark IV's auto-focus system. I also see a significant reduction in chromatic aberration (especially when stacked with a 2X). My initial testing is limited to the 70-200 F2.8 IS II, 300mm F2.8 IS and 500mm F4 IS and so far, it's looking like they are well worth the upgrade.

Here's something a little off-topic and different from a recent Owl Prowl. The ice that was lining the shore one morning was simply too good to pass-up. It ain't all just Owls - smile.

Shoreline Ice from Amherst Island (Stella) in Lake Ontario near Millhaven, Ontario. Image Copyright ©Christopher Dodds All Rights Reserved Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III, 24-70mm F2.8L, Tripod & Wimberley Head II ISO 200, F11 1/100s Manual. Full Frame. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A PRINT or LICENSE IMAGE FOR PUBLICATION.