This image was made during the last drops of golden light as this Eagle aggressively chased another Eagle to steal its fish. I felt disappointed when they banked off the light angle and ducked into the shadows; I thought I didn’t get anything. Suddenly, this Eagle emerged from the darkness and was illuminated by the sweetest light - smile.
Bald Eagles Grand Theft
Here are a couple of Bald Eagles fighting over a fish. You can see the frame before this image in a previous post:
Despite its fierce appearance, the bald eagle is a rather timid hunter. Usually found near water, it feeds mainly on fish, which it often steals from ospreys or other Eagles - smile.
Bald Eagle Snowshoes
Exposing for snow
Exposing for the snow is so much easier than most photographers think: Simply set your camera to manual mode, select your desired shutter speed and aperture and then adjust the ISO until the in-camera light meter reads plus 1 & 2/3 while filling the frame with the white snow. Pop off a test image and see the histogram will be populated all the way to the right without touching - so easy!