Another treat from my recently completed second Ospreys Galore workshop in Florida was this spectacular Snail kite. Notice the highly specialized hooked bill: Perfectly shaped to penetrate the freshwater snails they eat.
Dave Christopher Testimonial
Check out these incredible images from repeat workshop participant Dave Christopher:
Roseate Spoonbill landing in Spectacular light
As mentioned in my last post, the weather forecast for the entirety of the second Ospreys Galore workshop looked like rain, but as is often the case, we didn’t get much. This is an image of a Roseate Spoonbill (Spoonie) from the last morning of the second workshop during a brief break in the clouds, just before we got a 5-minute rain shower. The “Spoonies” were all landing to my left when this one appeared out of nowhere; I got three frames with this spectacular light that lasted only a fraction of a second, but the background was a crooked horizon line with part bright water and part dark & messy, distracting branches, so I replaced the sky to resemble better what I remember from the moment. CLICK HERE to learn more about my workshops.
Roseate Spoonbill in flight
We had a fabulous time with the beautiful Roseate Spoonbills on the last day of the last Ospreys Galore workshop in Florida. Despite a disappointingly wet forecast before the trip started, the only daytime rain we had was a short-lived 5-minute shower shortly after this image was made; a small price to pay for the lovely dark grey sky - smile!
Osprey in flight with a Black Crappie
An Osprey is bringing home a fish called a Black Crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus) from my recently concluded Ospreys Galore workshops on Lake Blue Cypress in Florida. I love the perspective of the Osprey being below my line of sight, and the background gives the image a sense of place and seems a lot more interesting than a plain blue sky - wink.
Osprey in flight in golden light
We had an epic time with fantastic light, weather, ospreys and ospreys with fish during both of my Ospreys Galore workshops on Lake Blue Cypress in Florida. It was fantastic to be out on the lake with some new and some old friends.
Coastal Brown Bears Wrestling
It was an amazing experience watching a couple of young coastal Brown Bears play fighting on a foggy morning. Play fighting is very important for young bears because it teaches them to protect themselves and helps them get stronger. But if things get too rough, mama bear will discipline them by swatting them with her paw!
There is still room for you to join my Brown Bear Boat trip in June and September. Specifically looking for a female solo traveller to share a room with same. Learn more about my Ultimate Bears of Alaska trip HERE.
Coastal Brown Bear Cub Beauty Shot
That moment when a bear cub walks right up to you, lies down, and starts munching on the Coastal grass is priceless! It often happens during my Ultimate Alaskan Bear trip! The grass is sweet and loaded with protein.
I still have a couple of spots for my June Mothers & Cubs trip, and we are looking for a solo female traveller to share a room with another female for my September fishing bear trip.
Brown bear mothers with twins and triplets
We watched as the otherwise calm mother with triplets high-tailed it off the meadow and up to the protection of the high rocky vantage point. Amazingly, another mother with twins (a year older) was already there. Was the boar (male bear) chasing them a cub killer? We don’t know, but these mothers sure thought there was a threat.
Cub killer?
There are three leading theories: The first is that a male bear's killing of a female's cub or cubs will force her back into heat, whereby she might be receptive to mating again. A nursing female with newly born and helpless spring cubs won't go into heat. Forcing a female back into heat may give that male bear more mating opportunities and increased opportunities to spread his genes.
The second possibility is that bears aren't omnivores, but they can be cannibals, too. Bears will do what it takes to fatten up for the long, cold winter hibernation. And sometimes, bears will kill and eat other bears. In some instances, cubs might be easy calories.
Last, killing a cub reduces a bear's future competition — for females, fish, and territory.
Coastal Brown Bears Playing
A couple of Coastal Brown Bear cubs put on quite a show for my group during my Mother and Cubs bear boat trip. Amazingly, I still have space for my Mothers & Cubs trip in June and my Fishing bears trip in September. Learn more about my Bears Galore workshop HERE.
Blad Eagle with fresh catch in the mountains
It seemed like the beautiful light would never end during my recently concluded Eagles Galore Workshops. We had endless light, flat water and perfect winds for most of both trips, so we got to use up all of our boat time and we even squeezed in some extra! Oh, and did I mention the Eagles were off the charts?
Bald Eagle and sun Silhouette
Here’s another silhouette from my recent Eagles Galore workshop in Alaska. After one of the most memorable afternoons with the Eagles (high winds from directly behind us during a four-hour outing), we were all desperately trying to keep our fingers warm as the temperature dropped; there were Eagles all over the beach begging for silhouettes - smile.
Bald Eagle with fish birdscape
We had spectacular light for both of my Eagles Galore workshops in Alaska. This was from a very windy day which meant that the eagles would grab a fish and fly directly into the heavy gusts, which propelled them skyward while quickly gaining altitude - often banking to reveal their fresh catch against the mountains while illuminated by the golden light.
Bald Eagle Fishing Silhouette
Creating pleasing silhouettes is much easier than you might think. Look back through this blog, and you will find that my exposure settings for silhouettes are almost always the same. I always point my camera to the brightest part of the sky and set the ISO to 400, aperture to f/5.6 and shutter speed to 1/5,000 of a second; this will always produce a sharp and noise-free image.
In post-capture processing, I slide the black point and shadow slider to ensure my subject is black. I usually slide the colour temperature to the right - remember this is a creative process and adjust to taste!
Bald Eagle pre sunrise pastels
We were out before the sun every day of both Eagles Galore workshops and saw some incredible pastel hues in the sky - smile.
Bald Eagle out of the shadows
A Bald Eagle banks out of the shadows, illuminated by the very last drops of golden light during my recently concluded Eagles Galore workshop in Alaska. We had some epic weather, flat water and amazing light with both groups using all of our allotment of boat time (with a little extra bonus). Join me in Alaska next March for an Epic Alaskan Eagle adventure workshop!
Eagles Galore Workshop every March
Learn more and sign-up HERE
Eagles Galore Workshop every March 🦅 Learn more and sign-up HERE 🦅
More Snowy Owl workshop kudos
Images copyright and courtesy Dave Christopher.
Snowy Owl Workshop Testimonials
Snowy Owl images copyright and courtesy of Joe Norton
Bald Eagle Workshop update
There are still a couple of spots left for my Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska. Join me for the adventure, Eagles Galore and so much more!
Join the adventure and bring home a portfolio full of Bald Eagle images LEARN MORE HERE
Join the adventure and bring home a portfolio full of Bald Eagle images LEARN MORE HERE 🦅
Bad Eagle Hunting
Another Bald Eagle on the hunt photographed during my Eagles Galore Workshop in Alaska with the Sony FE 100-400mm G Master zoom lens @ 263mm.