“On the morning of June 14 (2008), my 62nd birthday, we took the ferry to Bonaventure Island and made the 1.8 mile (2.9km) walk up the big hill. I had been a bit worried about making that walk up and down for five straight days, but Chris was right: “Take it slow and it is an easy walk.” When we arrived at the gannetry, I was totally blown away. So so many birds at arms length. Dozens, even hundreds of gannets in the air at all times, many carrying huge loads of nesting material, many landing just yards away. That day, the photographic action was nonstop, but it was not a birthday present, for the succeeding four days were equally exciting. And as each day came and went, I visualized and created many new and different images. I felt like a painter locked in a huge warehouse with hundreds of blank canvases and an unlimited supply of paints. I was in bird photographer’s heaven.
I have been to Antarctica. I have been to Kenya. I have been to Tanzania. And I have been going to Bosque for the past 13 years. All of those places offer great photographic opportunities. But no place that I have been has ever offered as consistent and spectacular action as Bonaventure.
Chris is an excellent photographer and a skilled teacher. Chris is bi-lingual and over the course of his 131 walks up the hill, he has crafted a wonderful relationship with the park staff. Do consider joining Chris for the photographic experience of a lifetime. ”
I shall never forget this once-in-a-lifetime experience
“Hi Chris: As you know, I attended the Gannets Galore Workshop in June 2014 in Quebec and wanted to drop you a note and let you know what a profound experience it was for me, in terms of both the Gannets themselves, and the opportunity to work with a true professional. I learned many things on this trip regarding not only the technical aspects and capabilities of my camera and lens, but also in my approach to understanding what I really hoped to obtain as a final photographic image. This trip, coupled with your patient guidance, have truly changed the way that I use my equipment and forced me to think about what I really hope to accomplish as an end result – and I finally understand the importance of the “Histogram” – hooray! The Gannets themselves were breathtakingly wonderful and I shall never forget this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Thanks again for a really great workshop. I’m saving my pennies so that hopefully I can take another trip with you in the future.”
— Jake Jacoby, Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)
This workshop was a 10+ without a doubt
I attended Christopher Dodds’ “Gannets Galore” workshop in Perce, Quebec, Canada. I have attended many wildlife photo workshops over the years and this workshop was a 10+ without a doubt. The trip was exactly as he described on his web site; no overpromising and under delivering.
Chris provided access to a colony of 63,000 nesting pairs of Northern Gannets (and at least as many non-breeding birds) and his relationships with the local park staff allowed us to get to locations in the park that were closed to the public. Throughout the trip he was cheerful, very well organized and took care of all those details (and this was a complicated location) that can ruin an experience.. I was able to concentrate on what I came to do…..photography.
As a professional photographer I know my field, but it is a major bonus to find someone who can provide instruction to me. My flight shots improved dramatically! Chris has an uncanny understanding of composition and light and presented me with many opportunities to test my skills. He understands creativity in photography as well as being a technical master. This trip was perfect for a beginner or a professional and he gives as much instruction and guidance as you need without arrogance, attitude or making you feel too shy to ask. I would encourage any photographer, no matter what level, to sign up for Chris' workshops."
Terry Turrentine San Francisco, California USA
For seabird lovers, Ile Bonaventure is a must and the way to experience it is with Chris Dodds who has nearly 30 years of experience on this island
In June 2011, I joined Chris Dodds on one of his Gannets Galore Workshops on Ile Bonaventure in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Quebec. Wow! What a place. Not only is the area surprisingly beautiful, the sheer number of Gannets nesting on this island is mind boggling - several hundred thousand Northern Gannets. In addition to Gannets there are other species photographable along the sea cliffs which Chris's participants get to experience like no others. Under a special clause, exclusive to Chris's workshop a zodiac with the participants is allowed to get up close to the sea cliffs to photograph Razorbill, Common Murre, Black-legged Kittiwake, Harlequin Duck and much more in their habitat. In addition, we spotted Blue Whale and Minke Whale and photographed Gray Seal and Humpback Whale. Nice touches like transportation of photo gear the 1.8 miles to and from the nesting colony really make this a worthwhile and productive trip. For seabird lovers, Ile Bonaventure is a must and the way to experience it is with Chris Dodds who has nearly 30 years of experience on this island." - E.J. Peiker, Nature Photographer
Chris is a terrific person, and a great teacher
I fell in love with Northern Gannets when I saw them fishing off the north coast of Florida many years ago during migration. What beautiful birds!
Researching where to see them best included Bonaventure Island in Quebec, Canada. When I saw Chris Dodds' photos I was smitten. The workshop experience was far better. Chris is a terrific person, and a great teacher. Eastern Quebec is charming and Chris knows all the folks and all the ropes to get the photographer to the best sites for shooting both on the island and on the waters surrounding the island. The birds and their behavior are unquestionably amazing to observe and record. Chris shared his strategies and shooting techniques freely. He is laid back and we who attended his photo-op had the very best time. I was pleased to have learned more about flight photography with this experience. If you have the opportunity and are interested in bird(flight) photography, this is a best experience.
Paul Herd Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Many thanks to Chris Dodds for a wonderful and exciting photography experience
Many thanks to Chris for a wonderful and exciting photography experience. Your professionalism, talent, patience and knowledge helped to make the Gannets Galore photo trip an experience of a life time. The hundreds of thousands of Northern Gannets on Bonaventure Island were unbelievable. I took thousands of photographs of Northern Gannets in their everyday activities. They were elegant, comical, clumsy, arguing, fishing, sleeping, working, copulating, preening and fencing. It was nonstop and exhilarating. Now, I get to my favourite part - the Zodiac tour around Bonaventure Island. It’s 5:00am and we start the 4 hour trip to see dozens of species of birds and seals as well as couple of Minke whales. The 4 hours seemed to pass like minutes. The Harlequin ducks and Black Guillemots were among my favourites and a real treat to observe and photograph.
Gordie Kadonoff Hampstead, Quebec, Canada
You lead an outstanding tour
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for an amazing trip to Bonaventure Island. I especially enjoyed shooting from the zodiac for all kinds of great shots. You lead an outstanding tour, and I would certainly consider future trips with you. I can tell that you could be of great help as I finish off my wish list of species for the new waterbirds book, as you know many of the key spots for specific species and behavior. I also have a lot to learn about the digital process, and you are gifted in this area. Many thanks my friend!
Middleton Evans Baltimore, Maryland, USA
We have been on many photo tours and yours was one of the best!
Pat and I had a great time on your recent Gannets Galore photo tour. We have been on many photo tours and yours was one of the best. We have never seen so many excellent photo opportunities. Even the 5 AM Zodiac trip around the island offered great opportunities. The small size of the group, 6 photographers, added to our enjoyment since you were able to spend considerable time with each of us. Your tips on using manual camera settings were excellent. I now use manual settings for virtually every photograph, flight or static. Thanks again for a truly outstanding photographic experience.
Stokes Fishburne Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
I really appreciated your patient, attentive instruction
Thanks for a great Gannet workshop. I got some great shots, learned some new things and met some terrific people. You and Julie were perfect hosts. I really appreciated your patient, attentive instruction........
Amanda Reed Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
Thanks for a truly remarkable photographic experience on both land and water!
Thanks for a truly remarkable photographic experience on both land and water! The Zodiac rides were a wonderful way to spend the early mornings during your Gannets Galore Photo Tour. I was amazed at how close we were able to get to the birds and the seals. The nonstop action at the Gannet colony provided countless photo opportunities every second. Now I can see how you can still find it interesting and challenging even after visiting the island over 350 times. Your extensive experience photographing at the colony meant that we always knew where the best opportunities were at any given time as the wind and weather constantly changed throughout the day. And your excellent tips on exposure, technique, composition, and use of flash allowed us to take advantage of those opportunities and capture some wonderful images.
On a logistical note, your fluency in French also proved invaluable at many points during the trip when you came to the rescue of us dumbfounded English speakers.
Hope to see you again soon, maybe even on a June trip back to Bonaventure!
Mike Milicia Boston | MA | USA
The instruction was top notch
Chris Dodds' Nothern Gannet Workshop on Bonaventure Island was a trip of a lifetime. The workshop was amazing. The scenery was awesome and the people were fabulous. Chris Dodds knowledge of our subjects was expansive. The instruction was top notch, We were given so many opportunities to explore and learn the aspects of shooting pictures under conditions that allowed us to work with light, speed and movement.
There were so many aspects of photography I had never paid much attention too but Chris incorporated them in my experience effortlessly, patiently and with the understanding what is necessary to accomplish beautiful and professional photographs. Chris is thoroughly professional, knowledgeable and very personable.
Marla Moore Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA
Chris Dodds is everything I could ask for in a workshop leader
Chris is everything I could ask for in a workshop leader. He is patient, accommodating, and knowledgeable, both about photography and birds. I learned a lot and took hundreds of great pictures that would not have been possible without Chris' instruction and experience. Aside from being a great teacher and leader, Chris is an all-around great guy and a pleasure to spend time with. Bonaventure Island itself is spectacular, and the Zodiac trips around the island in the morning are incredible experiences, both photographically and visually, in part because this is the only way to see and photograph gannets in morning light, since the island is inaccessible until 9AM. Chris knows the place backwards and forwards, and always knew where the best photography experiences would be under a variety of conditions - an important resource to have on an island containing several large colonies. In short, if you're on the fence about going, do it! Chris' Gannets Galore Workshop truly is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Matthew Barr Chevy Chase, Maryland, USA