“On the morning of June 14 (2008), my 62nd birthday, we took the ferry to Bonaventure Island and made the 1.8 mile (2.9km) walk up the big hill. I had been a bit worried about making that walk up and down for five straight days, but Chris was right: “Take it slow and it is an easy walk.” When we arrived at the gannetry, I was totally blown away. So so many birds at arms length. Dozens, even hundreds of gannets in the air at all times, many carrying huge loads of nesting material, many landing just yards away. That day, the photographic action was nonstop, but it was not a birthday present, for the succeeding four days were equally exciting. And as each day came and went, I visualized and created many new and different images. I felt like a painter locked in a huge warehouse with hundreds of blank canvases and an unlimited supply of paints. I was in bird photographer’s heaven.
I have been to Antarctica. I have been to Kenya. I have been to Tanzania. And I have been going to Bosque for the past 13 years. All of those places offer great photographic opportunities. But no place that I have been has ever offered as consistent and spectacular action as Bonaventure.
Chris is an excellent photographer and a skilled teacher. Chris is bi-lingual and over the course of his 131 walks up the hill, he has crafted a wonderful relationship with the park staff. Do consider joining Chris for the photographic experience of a lifetime. ”
Helped me improve my skills capturing images of fast-moving birds
"Puffins Galore" is a very apt name for this photography workshop with Christopher Dodds on L'Ile Aux Perroquets in the St. Lawrence Seaway. Puffins, Razorbills, Guillemots, and many shorebirds use this little island in the Mingan Archipelago as their nesting home during the breeding season and the place is alive with activity with many opportunities for images of birds in flight and birds around their burrows. Chris Dodds is acquainted with every aspect of puffin behaviour and is very generous with time and advice; he helped me improve my skills capturing images of fast-moving birds. Everyone in the group came away with images that they were thrilled with. The guest house on the island is a converted lighthouse keeper's residence and provides a very comfortable experience. The meals alone would be worth the trip. Puffins Galore and much, much more.
-Paul Ludden
Your guidance and tips were very helpful
Chris: Just a quick note to express my appreciation for the fine workshop (PUFFINS GALORE DELUXE WORKSHOP) hosting provided by you and Julie, along with Louise and Marie-Josée and the charming Auberge facilities. We were fortunate to have such good weather and abundant puffin activity, and your guidance and tips were very helpful, even for a long-time Sony mirrorless shooter. I found the other clients quite interesting and enjoyed sharing the experience with all of them. Despite some travel challenges to and from the Mingan Archipelago, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and look forward to the prospect of joining you in another workshop in the future.
Again, thank you for your excellent leadership and engaging fellowship on Iles aux Parroquets – now to plough through the 30,000+ images I brought back to find the “exceptional” few!
Best regards,
- Gordon Norman
Produced a portfolio of epic photos
My wife and I have taken two trips with Chris Dodds, Eagles in Homer, Alaska (EAGLES GALORE), and Puffins in Quebec (PUFFINS GALORE DELUXE EDITION), and both trips have produced a portfolio of epic photos.
The first trip to photograph Eagles was well-organized: transportation was outlined, a meeting place was established, and we received suggestions as to equipment, clothing, weather, and what to expect well in advance. Chris had arranged our lodging, and upon arrival, we have a short briefing on what to expect during the course of the workshop. Transportation to the site was supplied, and to say the location and the subject was excellent is an understatement.
At times, we had forty-plus eagles overhead. Chris provided suggestions as to camera settings and provided whatever guidance was required during the shoot. Chris is very helpful and a fountain of knowledge of photography, but he doesn’t push it on you. And his head was never in the viewfinder of our cameras; he photographed, but never gave the feeling that he was on a shoot and his clients were just along for the ride.
The second trip was to Quebec to photograph Puffins. Again, the workshop was well-organized as outlined above: transportation to the site was suggested along with places to spend the previous night as we were to meet in a remote area with meager places to spend the night and dine. Boat transportation to the site was provided, and at times the puffins seemed to swarm. Chris gave us pointers on shooting small, fast-flying birds as well as the equipment necessary for closeup portrait of shy little subjects.
My wife and I have travelled all over the world, and Chris stands out among the many professional photographers we have been with. He is low key, has a good sense of humour (humour, in Canada) has a great knowledge of photography which he will share with any photographer in his groups, regardless of their experience level. We will certainly travel with Chris again.
- Carl (and Cheryl) Shneider
Overwhelming to choose my favourites
Hey Chris,
Once again, great trip and I wanted to thank both you and Julie for being such wonderful hosts. The island is a unique place to spend time with the Puffins and, now, my collection of Puffin shots is making it somewhat overwhelming to choose my favorites. I guess that's the objective.
Frank Sheets
We are so pleased
“The shot is 20” x 50”. We are so pleased.
I hope the Snowy Owl workshops after ours were half as good ours. You must have had a lot of snow. We were very lucky.
I still can’t believe we were 5 men; 2 Germans, 1 Brit, 1 Kuwaiti, and me, the lone Canadian. They traveled extensively to see Snowies and we were thrilled every morning and afternoon that we went out to shoot these magnificent creatures.”
— John L. Block Montréal, Québec, Canada
Chris, the Owl Trip was fantastic.
“Chris, the Owl Trip was fantastic.
Chris led our Canadian photography adventure trip for Snowy Owl photography. He showed an excellent knowledge of local geography and territory habitat for the owls, and brought them into range with a safe approach away from roads in an ethical and responsible manner. Chris’ awareness of both light and wind kept the owls in front of us, resulting in some fantastic images. His willingness to offer technical advice and solutions was appreciated by all participants in the workshop.”
— Thomas D Knoop - New Jersey, USA
Spared no effort to maximize our photo opportunities
“I have just been fortunate enough to participate in a Winter Owl workshop run by Chris. The experience was outstanding. Chris had thoroughly researched our excursions beforehand and knew exactly where the Owls were wintering - he also spared no effort to maximise our photo opportunities - both in terms of weather conditions, lighting, angles, backdrop etc - but also in terms of helping us each personally during the week with technical tips towards achieving better results.
Logistically the trip was also a pleasure with spacious transport, good accommodations and food, and an enjoyable group camaraderie. Altogether a great trip, and I would thoroughly recommend Chris as a guide for future trips.”
— Jonathan Mercer, UK
I shall never forget this once-in-a-lifetime experience
“Hi Chris: As you know, I attended the Gannets Galore Workshop in June 2014 in Quebec and wanted to drop you a note and let you know what a profound experience it was for me, in terms of both the Gannets themselves, and the opportunity to work with a true professional. I learned many things on this trip regarding not only the technical aspects and capabilities of my camera and lens, but also in my approach to understanding what I really hoped to obtain as a final photographic image. This trip, coupled with your patient guidance, have truly changed the way that I use my equipment and forced me to think about what I really hope to accomplish as an end result – and I finally understand the importance of the “Histogram” – hooray! The Gannets themselves were breathtakingly wonderful and I shall never forget this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Thanks again for a really great workshop. I’m saving my pennies so that hopefully I can take another trip with you in the future.”
— Jake Jacoby, Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)
Chris is not only an excellent teacher but an outstanding host
My teenage son (an avid youth nature photographer) and I just came back from Chris' Puffin trip. We had a day of pouring rain, a day of cloud cover and a day of sunshine and Chris gave practical advice on how to get great images no matter what the weather. Chris is skilled at meeting each photographer where they are as he gives individual customized attention out in the field. Chris uses a variety of teaching strategies (including great metaphors!) to make complex information concrete and understandable. My son came back with incredible images - puffin portraits in beautiful golden light, puffins and razorbills with fish in flight, beautiful groupings, single puffins in grass, flowers and rocky cliffs. He also came back with a wealth of tips, tools and strategies. And amidst all of the superb photography instruction and individualized attention, there was also lots of camaraderie and great stories. Chris is not only an excellent teacher but an outstanding host. Can't wait for our next Chris Dodds adventure!
- Deborah & Christopher Graham Ontario | Canada
Chris delivers a premium product, in every way.
I’m an experienced wildlife photographer and I’ve had puffins on my bucket list for several years. Around my Colorado home, I scout my own sites and work my network of photography buddies, so I know what it takes to find good sites, get in and then have the wildlife cooperate, to get good pictures. I’ve even been a scout for a leading professional photographer, looking for superior deer and turkey subjects and locations.
Regarding puffins, I’d considered renting hide times, but most involved day-trips on boats. Most importantly, time in the hide is limited and you won’t necessarily be able to shoot when they’re feeding, nor will you likely shoot in the ideal light. The angle of view is often not ideal from a hide.
I don’t know how, but I ran across Chris’ Deluxe Puffins Galore Workshop at the Mingan Archipelago National Park of Canada. It sounded too good to be true. You can shoot ALL DAY and have gourmet meals morning, noon and night. Hang on.
The “galore” part of the title is entirely true. I took over 13,000-shots in my three-days. It required merciless culling to get down to under 200 for sharing. I have many worthy of framing and the culls contain many shots that I might have been happy with, had I not had so many superior shots.
There are rules, to protect the birds, about where you can go on the islet, but that in no way excludes you from puffin activity. For example, every evening, we sat in chairs as puffin filled our frames landing, taking off, kibitzing, posing, all in the ideal light. By the end of the first day, I didn’t know how I’d possibly improve my shots, but I did, indeed, add to my archive.
Importantly, Chris is an affable and professional guy, but he pays close attention to safety, respect for our subjects, and the comfort of his guests. Everyone in my group was experienced, with good equipment. In fact, I was the only newbie. All had shot with Chris before. Guess what, I’ve signed up for his Snowy Owl Adventure, next January. I suspect that won’t be my last.
Chris delivers a premium product, in every way. Planning information was thorough and detailed, making it crystal clear what you needed to get there, to wear, etc.. The only thing left was to take the pix.
This is a premium product and a photographer’s dream. This is THE way to shoot Atlantic puffin.
Dave Stephens Colorado | USA
I feel fortunate to have had the experience of learning from one of THE BEST
Hi Chris, Great trip, EH!!
Seriously, I want to thank you for a wonderful week. Great company, wonderful opportunities on the Snowy Owls and lots of fun.
I have been on quite a few photo workshops, and what sets yours apart (aside from the fun), is your knowledge of the natural history of the subjects, and your encyclopedic knowledge of nature photography and photography in general. You seemed to know what the Owls would do before they did, and thus we got great shots.
I profited as much from the down time between shots as from the shooting time. What was so helpful to me was that I not only learned your recommendations for settings, but the why, in detail. You have a depth of knowledge such that when I challenged assumptions (which is natural for me as a physician), there was always a firm explanation leading back to a scientific or photographic principle. As a result I understand exactly why I am using that particular technique, and am completely comfortable with it. I learned a ton!!!
The focus was always on us getting the shots (after the welfare of the wildlife), on learning, and thirdly on fun.
I would go on another workshop with you in a minute, because no matter where it was I know I would learn something.
I really appreciate your scientific approach to photography, your having researched and tested your choices!
I feel fortunate to have had the experience of learning from one of THE BEST. Thanks for a great week.
Until next outing.
- Mike Gotthelf Fitchburg | MA | USA
This workshop was a 10+ without a doubt
I attended Christopher Dodds’ “Gannets Galore” workshop in Perce, Quebec, Canada. I have attended many wildlife photo workshops over the years and this workshop was a 10+ without a doubt. The trip was exactly as he described on his web site; no overpromising and under delivering.
Chris provided access to a colony of 63,000 nesting pairs of Northern Gannets (and at least as many non-breeding birds) and his relationships with the local park staff allowed us to get to locations in the park that were closed to the public. Throughout the trip he was cheerful, very well organized and took care of all those details (and this was a complicated location) that can ruin an experience.. I was able to concentrate on what I came to do…..photography.
As a professional photographer I know my field, but it is a major bonus to find someone who can provide instruction to me. My flight shots improved dramatically! Chris has an uncanny understanding of composition and light and presented me with many opportunities to test my skills. He understands creativity in photography as well as being a technical master. This trip was perfect for a beginner or a professional and he gives as much instruction and guidance as you need without arrogance, attitude or making you feel too shy to ask. I would encourage any photographer, no matter what level, to sign up for Chris' workshops."
Terry Turrentine San Francisco, California USA
For seabird lovers, Ile Bonaventure is a must and the way to experience it is with Chris Dodds who has nearly 30 years of experience on this island
In June 2011, I joined Chris Dodds on one of his Gannets Galore Workshops on Ile Bonaventure in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Quebec. Wow! What a place. Not only is the area surprisingly beautiful, the sheer number of Gannets nesting on this island is mind boggling - several hundred thousand Northern Gannets. In addition to Gannets there are other species photographable along the sea cliffs which Chris's participants get to experience like no others. Under a special clause, exclusive to Chris's workshop a zodiac with the participants is allowed to get up close to the sea cliffs to photograph Razorbill, Common Murre, Black-legged Kittiwake, Harlequin Duck and much more in their habitat. In addition, we spotted Blue Whale and Minke Whale and photographed Gray Seal and Humpback Whale. Nice touches like transportation of photo gear the 1.8 miles to and from the nesting colony really make this a worthwhile and productive trip. For seabird lovers, Ile Bonaventure is a must and the way to experience it is with Chris Dodds who has nearly 30 years of experience on this island." - E.J. Peiker, Nature Photographer
An incredible leader and instructor
With health issues and possessing few skills in tracking birds in flight, I headed to Montreal with a good share of trepidation about having any success on the Winter Owl Safari. Chris Dodds is not only a master photographer, but I soon discovered that he is an incredible leader and instructor who is quick to give suggestions, share his vast knowledge and patiently answer any question. As a result, I was successfully capturing more and more action shots each session as the days went by. Chris went out of his way to make sure each one of his clients was safe and as comfortable as possible in the extreme conditions in which we were photographing. Aware of my health issues, he was continually monitoring me to make sure that I wasn't over doing it. Chris is fun to work with and is spoken very highly of by the landowners who he deals with, which in turn, makes many private tracts of land where the owls are located accessible to him and his groups. He seemingly has an inexhaustible level of energy that ensures that his clients will have the most productive experience humanly possible. Returning home with many stunning photographs and memories of such a delightful experience, I am looking forward to the time when I can do another one of Chris Dodd's workshops with great anticipation.
John Michael Fuller Duanesburg | NY
Learn more about my Snowy Winter Owl Workshops HERE.
an amazing week of owls
Thank you again for an amazing week of owls. I came home with some of my favourite images of all time. I was very impressed with many things throughout the week. Most notably, your concern for our groups’ comfort, your knowledge of the owls we were there to photograph, your technical ability, your advice/instruction, and your ability to always make things fun. Spending some time with you and seeing the amount of effort, time and processing that goes in to capturing your images was an eye-opening moment for me. It was an awesome experience and I am already looking forward to next year’s workshop. Thank you again for everything.
Andrew Feiler Las Vegas | Nevada | USA
Learn more about my Snowy Winter Owl Workshops HERE.
the very best photo trip I have ever joined
What can I say? Your Winter Owl Photo Tour was an absolute sensory overload of owls, knowledge and fun! A smashing success! I have to say this was the very best photo trip I have ever joined (and I have joined many). It was an EPIC adventure, and it was a huge success; with your help, I managed to pull off an incredible portfolio of Owl images that was miles better than I could have imagined! Just like your stated goal; I can attest to the fact that the single most important objectives for you as the leader is for your clients to achieve an EPIC portfolio that you would have been proud to call your own, and for everyone to learn. Mission accomplished, my friend…many fold. I would have been thrilled with just one of the hundreds of EPIC images that I created under your wise guidance. You will see me again on another workshop soon. I can offer anyone considering this trip the following advice: DO IT! You won’t regret it. Chris works extremely hard for you to get the very best images; images that will impress everyone. He’s fun and eager to teach anyone, regardless of their abilities. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Peter Frost London | England
one of those life experiences that will stay with me forever
The four days and three nights on the I'ile aux Perroquets (Deluxe Puffins Galore Workshop) will go down in my mind as one of those life experiences that will stay with me forever. That isle is a very special place. You did an incredible job. I was thinking about you on the trip back. What does it take to be a top notch photographer as well as a gentlemanly guide, teacher, chaperone, and friend? You have a unique set of skills that somehow pull off the attributes necessary. Each and every one of us that left that island felt as though we had made a personal connection with you. That is no easy task. Must be a Canadian thing! Keep doing what you're doing. A very sincere "thank you" to you. This trip exceeded all expectations.
- Paul Treseler Massachusetts | USA
Chris is an exceptional photographer, teacher, and all around good guy
The Puffins Galore Workshop on I'ile aux Perroquets exceeded my expectations. Chris is an exceptional photographer, teacher, and all around good guy. He was quick to point out the best photographic opportunities for the group, taking into account the constantly changing weather, light and tides. He was always available to answer questions and give tips, catering to all levels of experience in the group. The accommodations were excellent and the food was first rate. Our chefs/housekeepers/hostesses, Louise and Johanne, were amazing. The photographic opportunities were endless with an unbelievable number of puffins as well as razorbills, guillemots, gulls, whales and seals. This was my first photography workshop and I am looking forward to my next adventure with Chris.
Mark Adkins Rochester| MN
Chris is an amazing photographer who taught our group to use manual setting and fully explain the technical aspects of our cameras
I'm happy to say I survived Africa and now I survived the bitter cold and wind of Ontario. Once I saw the movie the "Big Year" the Snowy Owl went to the top of my bucket list. There was only one photographer who combined excellence and instruction that I wanted to help me achieve capturing the Snowy Owl; Chris Dodds. Chris is an amazing photographer who taught our group to use manual setting and fully explain the technical aspects of our cameras(we were all Nikon users & Chris is a Canon guy). Chris made sure we were all in the position to capture a great image and he constantly was helping us and reviewing our skill set and lack of skill set. I was able to get a lot of great images and fully understand photography at a professional level. I am now a better photographer.. His preparation for his workshop was the best I have been part of. The small group workshop allowed Chris to spend individual time with each of us and that was the real bonus. If you want to capture great images and learn from a master photographer there is no one better in my opinion. The workshop and the accommodations were great. I look forward to my next outing with Chris.
Carl Bilancione (Survivor Africa contestant) Winter Park, Florida