“On the morning of June 14 (2008), my 62nd birthday, we took the ferry to Bonaventure Island and made the 1.8 mile (2.9km) walk up the big hill. I had been a bit worried about making that walk up and down for five straight days, but Chris was right: “Take it slow and it is an easy walk.” When we arrived at the gannetry, I was totally blown away. So so many birds at arms length. Dozens, even hundreds of gannets in the air at all times, many carrying huge loads of nesting material, many landing just yards away. That day, the photographic action was nonstop, but it was not a birthday present, for the succeeding four days were equally exciting. And as each day came and went, I visualized and created many new and different images. I felt like a painter locked in a huge warehouse with hundreds of blank canvases and an unlimited supply of paints. I was in bird photographer’s heaven.
I have been to Antarctica. I have been to Kenya. I have been to Tanzania. And I have been going to Bosque for the past 13 years. All of those places offer great photographic opportunities. But no place that I have been has ever offered as consistent and spectacular action as Bonaventure.
Chris is an excellent photographer and a skilled teacher. Chris is bi-lingual and over the course of his 131 walks up the hill, he has crafted a wonderful relationship with the park staff. Do consider joining Chris for the photographic experience of a lifetime. ”
Joe Norton - USA (Jan. 23-27, 2023 owl workshop)
Snowy Owl images copyright and courtesy of Joe Norton.
“I just returned home from a trip to Ontario, Canada with Christopher Dodds to look for and photograph Snowy Owls. The weather was cold and snowy, but not necessarily Snowy Owl cold, so I was worried that the Snowy Owls might be thin on the ground. Christopher Dodds deserves kudos and my thanks! He led our photo trek and put me (and the others in the party I joined) in position to see, watch, track and photograph Snowy Owls. I was able to capture wonderful images of Snowy Owls at rest, in flight, on the hunt, on the ground in the fields, in blowing snow! Outstanding photographic results for me, better than I anticipated. From the get go it was obvious that Christopher Dodds knows his Snowy Owls and wildlife photography. He is an excellent photography trek leader, knowledgeable, personable, professional and helpful to me and the others in our group at every turn. I am impressed with Christopher as a photography trek leader, particularly as his focus was on his clients at all times, and the well being of the Owls. He ensured that we did everything possible to not stress or disturb the Owls in their habitat. Of particular note Christopher is not a photography trek leader who spends his time with his own camera, taking his own photographs. He spent all his time with us locating Owls, coaching us, helping us with our equipment and camera settings, and letting us know what to expect and when to expect an Owl to fly, in what direction, and when. What an outstanding experience! Thank you, Christopher. I hope to enjoy another trek with you soon.”
Join the winter owl workshop
Join the winter owl workshop LEARN MORE HERE 🦅
I would highly recommend you attend one of Chris Dodds' workshops
As an experienced wildlife & landscape photographer I would highly recommend you attend one of Chris Dodds' workshops - I have attended a number of Chris' workshops and each of them reflect Chris' caring. I just attended the St. Paul, Alaska workshop - typical of Chris' professionalism, and expertise. He only takes you to those unique shooting opportunities when he is convinced that the shoot will provide you the experience you are seeking. In the Saint Paul Island workshop's case he has visited this unique special remote island for over 25 years. The local small population obviously respects Chris and they do all they can to assist the experience. You shoot from a variety of locations, with many types of birds, complimented by wild fox, sea lions etc. Chris has the talent to assist both experienced and novice photographers - he makes sure you get the opportunities you want, and if you need extra help he enjoys jumping in and helping you. If you had to summarize Chris' workshops in a few words - Great well researched locations, tremendous local knowledge, dedicate to your photographic results being all you could possibly want.
- Wynne Powell
You have helped me become a better photographer
Last week I finished editing my photos from the Alaska Bear Boat Trip, and I have lots of photos that I consider good. After what I have learned in your workshops, I am very conservative to call a photo “good” but can report that I have many more good photos from the trip than I expected to get.
The photo opportunities in Katmai National Park were numerous, the weather was cooperative, and trips to shore resulted in excellent light. You work hard to make your trips productive, informational, and an opportunity to improve one’s photography, and this trip was no exception.
The other participants were courteous and positive individuals with whom it was fun to share travel and photographic experiences. As you know I have been on more than a dozen trips with you and often there are other repeat customers/photographers on the trips. My experience is that the photographers who make multiple trips with you are always individuals with whom it is a pleasure to spend 3-7 days. Many of these people are as interested in my photography as they are in their own, and frequently it is possible to learn from one another. These folks are friends by the end of the trip, and I look forward to seeing them again in the future. The crew of the boat is helpful, the cook is experienced, the bear guide is knowledgeable, and the food is elegant. It was amazing to eat so much good food on the boat considering the limited facilities and space in which to prepare the meals.
This trip is not inexpensive but is the most memorial trip which you offer. The success of my photography from this trip is a result of the specific organization of this trip but also from the invaluable photographic expertise that I have gotten from your trips in this past. I have and do recommend your trips to other photographers as a fun way to spend time and improve their photography. You have helped me become a better photographer and I am happy to call you “friend”. Best wishes to you and your wife, Julie.
Dennis Stone
Chris, the Owl Trip was fantastic.
“Chris, the Owl Trip was fantastic.
Chris led our Canadian photography adventure trip for Snowy Owl photography. He showed an excellent knowledge of local geography and territory habitat for the owls, and brought them into range with a safe approach away from roads in an ethical and responsible manner. Chris’ awareness of both light and wind kept the owls in front of us, resulting in some fantastic images. His willingness to offer technical advice and solutions was appreciated by all participants in the workshop.”
— Thomas D Knoop - New Jersey, USA
This workshop was a 10+ without a doubt
I attended Christopher Dodds’ “Gannets Galore” workshop in Perce, Quebec, Canada. I have attended many wildlife photo workshops over the years and this workshop was a 10+ without a doubt. The trip was exactly as he described on his web site; no overpromising and under delivering.
Chris provided access to a colony of 63,000 nesting pairs of Northern Gannets (and at least as many non-breeding birds) and his relationships with the local park staff allowed us to get to locations in the park that were closed to the public. Throughout the trip he was cheerful, very well organized and took care of all those details (and this was a complicated location) that can ruin an experience.. I was able to concentrate on what I came to do…..photography.
As a professional photographer I know my field, but it is a major bonus to find someone who can provide instruction to me. My flight shots improved dramatically! Chris has an uncanny understanding of composition and light and presented me with many opportunities to test my skills. He understands creativity in photography as well as being a technical master. This trip was perfect for a beginner or a professional and he gives as much instruction and guidance as you need without arrogance, attitude or making you feel too shy to ask. I would encourage any photographer, no matter what level, to sign up for Chris' workshops."
Terry Turrentine San Francisco, California USA
For seabird lovers, Ile Bonaventure is a must and the way to experience it is with Chris Dodds who has nearly 30 years of experience on this island
In June 2011, I joined Chris Dodds on one of his Gannets Galore Workshops on Ile Bonaventure in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Quebec. Wow! What a place. Not only is the area surprisingly beautiful, the sheer number of Gannets nesting on this island is mind boggling - several hundred thousand Northern Gannets. In addition to Gannets there are other species photographable along the sea cliffs which Chris's participants get to experience like no others. Under a special clause, exclusive to Chris's workshop a zodiac with the participants is allowed to get up close to the sea cliffs to photograph Razorbill, Common Murre, Black-legged Kittiwake, Harlequin Duck and much more in their habitat. In addition, we spotted Blue Whale and Minke Whale and photographed Gray Seal and Humpback Whale. Nice touches like transportation of photo gear the 1.8 miles to and from the nesting colony really make this a worthwhile and productive trip. For seabird lovers, Ile Bonaventure is a must and the way to experience it is with Chris Dodds who has nearly 30 years of experience on this island." - E.J. Peiker, Nature Photographer
If you want personal attention or just a guide who knows where and when to go, what to look for and the best way to photograph it then Chris is your man!
He's a note I received from Gill Arden (and Bob Zarnke) after my Eagles of Homer Workshop back in March 2009:
We have just returned from our third trip with Chris, it will not be the last. We enjoy being part of a small group and as there were four of us including Chris, and we got the attention and help we didn’t think we needed! After months of anticipation, being delayed by a snowstorm in Minneapolis, and the drive from Anchorage I was in a state of excessive excitement as we waited for the feeding of the eagles. Suddenly there were so many flurries of birds, swooping, diving, and retreating every which way, that I became overwhelmed. Chris appeared alongside me, calmed me down, reminded me that we were there for 5 more days, and suggested I just stand, watch and enjoy. Then return to my camera, not chase everything that moved but to pick a zone and wait for action. Still bewildered I followed his instruction and to my amazement took many keepers. Although Chris was only one of many photographers he carried on Jean’s legacy of respect for the birds and local people. He quietly suggested alternative parking spots to those who happened on private property, he organized helpers to unload fish and he called in help for an injured otter stranded on the beach. He had suggestions for our downtime and took us on several drives to enjoy the locale and he took us to excellent eating places. Oh yes, he enabled us to raise our photography standards to yet another level. He’s answered many questions since we returned and is always ready to help. We look forward to our next trip with him. If you want personal attention or just a guide who knows where and when to go, what to look for, and the best way to photograph it then Chris is your man!
I most admired Chris Dodds’ active coaching
My recent trip (Dec. 2016) with Chris Dodds to the Bosque del Apache reserve was a roaring success! Five full days of shooting opportunities were exactly what I bargained for, and great lessons were learned. Specifically, high-quality results come with time, patience, and attention to detail. My experience with Chris gave me a taste of all three in a truly relaxed and fun atmosphere. Each and every one of our five days working primarily with snow geese and sandhill cranes offered welcome variation in conditions to provide a broad package of opportunities. I left the workshop with a full portfolio of portraits, flight shots, behaviors, and great shots of those magnificent “blast offs” of thousands of white geese and elegant cranes, all under excellent light conditions for bird photography. Chris is a master at choosing and teaching about the best positioning for photos (clouds, sun, wind, behavior etc.) It was a busy time, with all the instruction I wanted, and that’s exactly how it should be! I most admired Chris Dodds’ active coaching combined with openness to questions at any time. Chris was often right next to us shooting away and teaching-by-example, but his clear priority was to boost the abilities of each participant, no matter whether they were beginners or pros. It is a rare ability to coach a well-experienced photographer one moment, and then patiently help a newbie with a point-and-shoot learn how to set up their tripod! I’m busily planning another trip or two with Chris!
An incredible leader and instructor
With health issues and possessing few skills in tracking birds in flight, I headed to Montreal with a good share of trepidation about having any success on the Winter Owl Safari. Chris Dodds is not only a master photographer, but I soon discovered that he is an incredible leader and instructor who is quick to give suggestions, share his vast knowledge and patiently answer any question. As a result, I was successfully capturing more and more action shots each session as the days went by. Chris went out of his way to make sure each one of his clients was safe and as comfortable as possible in the extreme conditions in which we were photographing. Aware of my health issues, he was continually monitoring me to make sure that I wasn't over doing it. Chris is fun to work with and is spoken very highly of by the landowners who he deals with, which in turn, makes many private tracts of land where the owls are located accessible to him and his groups. He seemingly has an inexhaustible level of energy that ensures that his clients will have the most productive experience humanly possible. Returning home with many stunning photographs and memories of such a delightful experience, I am looking forward to the time when I can do another one of Chris Dodd's workshops with great anticipation.
John Michael Fuller Duanesburg | NY
Learn more about my Snowy Winter Owl Workshops HERE.
an amazing week of owls
Thank you again for an amazing week of owls. I came home with some of my favourite images of all time. I was very impressed with many things throughout the week. Most notably, your concern for our groups’ comfort, your knowledge of the owls we were there to photograph, your technical ability, your advice/instruction, and your ability to always make things fun. Spending some time with you and seeing the amount of effort, time and processing that goes in to capturing your images was an eye-opening moment for me. It was an awesome experience and I am already looking forward to next year’s workshop. Thank you again for everything.
Andrew Feiler Las Vegas | Nevada | USA
Learn more about my Snowy Winter Owl Workshops HERE.
the very best photo trip I have ever joined
What can I say? Your Winter Owl Photo Tour was an absolute sensory overload of owls, knowledge and fun! A smashing success! I have to say this was the very best photo trip I have ever joined (and I have joined many). It was an EPIC adventure, and it was a huge success; with your help, I managed to pull off an incredible portfolio of Owl images that was miles better than I could have imagined! Just like your stated goal; I can attest to the fact that the single most important objectives for you as the leader is for your clients to achieve an EPIC portfolio that you would have been proud to call your own, and for everyone to learn. Mission accomplished, my friend…many fold. I would have been thrilled with just one of the hundreds of EPIC images that I created under your wise guidance. You will see me again on another workshop soon. I can offer anyone considering this trip the following advice: DO IT! You won’t regret it. Chris works extremely hard for you to get the very best images; images that will impress everyone. He’s fun and eager to teach anyone, regardless of their abilities. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Peter Frost London | England
EPIC, Exhilarating Pictures, Instructional Colossus
Thank you so much for a memorable week during your Snowy Owl Workshop, I have enjoyed it immensely.
The week has been EPIC, Exhilarating Pictures, Instructional Colossus, what more can I say.
It has been a long held ambition of mine to photograph Snowy Owls and in choosing your trip all my expectations have been filled and some. The company has been an important and enjoyable part of the trip and I will recall with great fondness many of the hilarious moments we have shared together.
I appreciate all the hard work that you have put in to ensure the success of our trip and I wish to thank you for that.
I hope the season continues to go well for you and I wish you happiness in your life.
Again a heartfelt thanks.
John Sheppard Banbury | England
The winter owl workshop was excellent
The winter owl workshop was excellent. From the pre-planning through the last spectacular day with the snowy owls. In addition to the skills and nature experience Chris brings to the workshop, he also brings his passion of nature photography as well as a genuine focus on the safety of the owls and wildlife. The group size was great and the team composition was excellent, travel was pleasant, safe and comfortable. It was great to be able to peak into Chris's personal life, spending time with Chris opened up a new world for me that I want to explore. I learned value insights and lessons related to exposure, histograms and the habitats and behaviours of owls. It was great being out in the nature and cold, learning not only to capture razor sharp images, but how to do so in extreme weather. Most americans will not know the excitement of seeing a Tim Horton's in the distance or the comfort of fresh Poutine, I can say I am now a fan.
Kim Ringeisen Flying Monkey Photography North Carolina | USA
I would definitely recommend a Chris Dodds photography workshop
A Great Week With Chris and Snowy Owls.
Chris leads a great workshop. It quickly became clear the amount of prework Chris had done in the weeks leading up to the trip. Chris knew where the owls would be each morning when we arrived in the fields. Another amazing ability Chris has, is he can spot a snowy owl hundreds of yards away. I remember laughing a few times as I am looking through binoculars saying are you sure and every time he was correct.
Chris is an amazing photographer and extremely knowledgeable on both Nikon and Canon photography equipment. I came home a much better photographer, with a better understanding of my camera gear and how to adjust for the environment and light. Throughout the day Chris was continually making sure everyone had the correct setting and reminding us to check our exposure/histogram.
Additionally Chris is just a great guy. He is what i would consider a true outdoorsman and has the adventure stories to go with them. I really enjoyed the travel and downtime with Chris and we had a lot of good laughs.
I would definitely recommend a Chris Dodds photography workshop especially the winter owl workshop and am looking forward to my next trip with Chris.
Brad Lewis Gilroy | California
one of those life experiences that will stay with me forever
The four days and three nights on the I'ile aux Perroquets (Deluxe Puffins Galore Workshop) will go down in my mind as one of those life experiences that will stay with me forever. That isle is a very special place. You did an incredible job. I was thinking about you on the trip back. What does it take to be a top notch photographer as well as a gentlemanly guide, teacher, chaperone, and friend? You have a unique set of skills that somehow pull off the attributes necessary. Each and every one of us that left that island felt as though we had made a personal connection with you. That is no easy task. Must be a Canadian thing! Keep doing what you're doing. A very sincere "thank you" to you. This trip exceeded all expectations.
- Paul Treseler Massachusetts | USA
Chris Dodds knows how to do a workshop
Chris Dodds knows how to do a workshop!
I had the pleasure of attending Chris' Snowy Owl Workshop this past January. To be honest, I did not know much about Chris before the trip. All I knew was the quality of his images on his website and that I wanted Snowy owl pictures. Needless to say, Chris met and exceeded my expectations. He goes over and above to get you in the right place at the right time to capture the best images possible. Having been on numerous workshops around the world with various leaders, I can say Chris worked harder than most..... He also made sure that we were in position to get a variety of images and not just 1000 photos of the same animal behavior. Chris knows his birds and what they are going to do next (as much as humanly possible). He teaches in a way that things make sense. I was getting frustrated with my photography before this trip. I was able to get great shots before the workshop but felt that the percentage of great shots to missed shots needed to be better. Chris explained ways to change a few of my bad habits in a way that no one else ever did. I have tried manual exposure in the past but never got comfortable with it but after a day or two with Chris it clicked in my mind and my images improved and percentage of keepers went up.
If you get a chance to go on a workshop with Chris I would highly recommend it. I know I will again.
Rick Susi Orlando, FL, USA
Chris is an amazing photographer who taught our group to use manual setting and fully explain the technical aspects of our cameras
I'm happy to say I survived Africa and now I survived the bitter cold and wind of Ontario. Once I saw the movie the "Big Year" the Snowy Owl went to the top of my bucket list. There was only one photographer who combined excellence and instruction that I wanted to help me achieve capturing the Snowy Owl; Chris Dodds. Chris is an amazing photographer who taught our group to use manual setting and fully explain the technical aspects of our cameras(we were all Nikon users & Chris is a Canon guy). Chris made sure we were all in the position to capture a great image and he constantly was helping us and reviewing our skill set and lack of skill set. I was able to get a lot of great images and fully understand photography at a professional level. I am now a better photographer.. His preparation for his workshop was the best I have been part of. The small group workshop allowed Chris to spend individual time with each of us and that was the real bonus. If you want to capture great images and learn from a master photographer there is no one better in my opinion. The workshop and the accommodations were great. I look forward to my next outing with Chris.
Carl Bilancione (Survivor Africa contestant) Winter Park, Florida
I highly recommend Christopher Dodds
Being a novice photographer, I initially hesitated to sign up for a class with a professional wildlife photographer. I'm glad I overcame my apprehension; Chris is incredibly approachable and his workshop was immensely productive and, more importantly, a blast.
My photos improved more during the Ospreys Galore workshop than they have for years. And I'd be remiss if I didn't give proper credit to Chris;
1. With his extensive knowledge of the shooting location, he positioned us where the subjects, light, and background were best
2. With his "whisperer-like" ability to predict the subjects' next move, we were ready to catch the action, and
3. With his succinct technical recommendations, we were able to get better captures in the field and then polish the end product in post-production.
After witnessing how Chris operates his workshops (particularly how much he genuinely cares about the satisfaction of his participants) not only would I highly recommend him, but I am looking forward to joining him on more and more of his trips.
Carlos Carreño Miami, Florida, USA
He is dedicated to doing everything he can to make sure you come home with lots of amazing photographs!
There are a lot of photographers to choose from when deciding to take a workshop. I had come across Christopher Dodds Photography on Facebook and really like his photographs. I read about Chris’s workshops. They all sounded well organized and he has years of experience going to various places.
I love Alaska and had been dreaming of taking an Eagle photography workshop and decided to sign up with Chris. I am so glad I chose Chris for a lot of reasons. The workshop was very well organized. Chris provides the attendees with a list of suggested clothing to be sure you are comfortable in the Alaskan winter weather. He provided us with a list of suggested equipment so that we knew exactly what was needed to get the kind of photos posted on his workshop page. The group was limited to 5 attendees, so we each had ample opportunity to get feedback and suggestions from Chris. Chris is extremely knowledgable about Kachemak Bay and knows where to go to get the best shots depending on the wind and the weather, and whether there is sun or snow. Chris uses the same boat and captain for this workshop, so the captain knows exactly what Chris wants to do and how to get us into those best areas…. Chris believes in safety above all else, but snow, sleet and rain did not keep us from going out. In fact, it made for some great photos depicting the Alaskan winter eagle environment. It was an amazing trip and I got a lot of great photos and learned so much! I would definitely choose Chris for another birding workshop as he is dedicated to doing everything he can to make sure you come home with lots of amazing photographs! Thanks, Chris, for a fantastic workshop and wonderful adventure!
Jessica Duke Eagle Nest, NM, USA