If you want personal attention or just a guide who knows where and when to go, what to look for and the best way to photograph it then Chris is your man!

He's a note I received from Gill Arden (and Bob Zarnke) after my Eagles of Homer Workshop back in March 2009:

We have just returned from our third trip with Chris, it will not be the last. We enjoy being part of a small group and as there were four of us including Chris, and we got the attention and help we didn’t think we needed! After months of anticipation, being delayed by a snowstorm in Minneapolis, and the drive from Anchorage I was in a state of excessive excitement as we waited for the feeding of the eagles. Suddenly there were so many flurries of birds, swooping, diving, and retreating every which way, that I became overwhelmed. Chris appeared alongside me, calmed me down, reminded me that we were there for 5 more days, and suggested I just stand, watch and enjoy. Then return to my camera, not chase everything that moved but to pick a zone and wait for action. Still bewildered I followed his instruction and to my amazement took many keepers. Although Chris was only one of many photographers he carried on Jean’s legacy of respect for the birds and local people. He quietly suggested alternative parking spots to those who happened on private property, he organized helpers to unload fish and he called in help for an injured otter stranded on the beach. He had suggestions for our downtime and took us on several drives to enjoy the locale and he took us to excellent eating places. Oh yes, he enabled us to raise our photography standards to yet another level. He’s answered many questions since we returned and is always ready to help. We look forward to our next trip with him. If you want personal attention or just a guide who knows where and when to go, what to look for, and the best way to photograph it then Chris is your man!