“This is the second time I have attended this eagle workshop. I came back as the imaging that Chris helped me obtain was stunning in 2017 and now in 2024.
The weather is always challenging, but Chris’s over 40 years of experience with photo opportunities here in Alaska help produce stunning eagle images, from in-flight to charming head portraits.
Chris is a host that you will enjoy – he knows how to tease out the birds for that special photo opportunity, irrespective of local weather challenges. His ability to assist both the casual amateur and full-fledged pro-level individuals is amazing, and with all brands of mirrorless cameras. He knows lenses, bodies and settings to assist all users.
Chris’s special gift is the immense bird knowledge that he possesses – once you come on one of his trips and experience this reality, you will realize how special his skill set is.
Over the years, I have attended numerous workshops with Chris. I have never been disappointed, and I always look forward to the next time with him.”
I would highly recommend you attend one of Chris Dodds' workshops
As an experienced wildlife & landscape photographer I would highly recommend you attend one of Chris Dodds' workshops - I have attended a number of Chris' workshops and each of them reflect Chris' caring. I just attended the St. Paul, Alaska workshop - typical of Chris' professionalism, and expertise. He only takes you to those unique shooting opportunities when he is convinced that the shoot will provide you the experience you are seeking. In the Saint Paul Island workshop's case he has visited this unique special remote island for over 25 years. The local small population obviously respects Chris and they do all they can to assist the experience. You shoot from a variety of locations, with many types of birds, complimented by wild fox, sea lions etc. Chris has the talent to assist both experienced and novice photographers - he makes sure you get the opportunities you want, and if you need extra help he enjoys jumping in and helping you. If you had to summarize Chris' workshops in a few words - Great well researched locations, tremendous local knowledge, dedicate to your photographic results being all you could possibly want.
- Wynne Powell
You have helped me become a better photographer
Last week I finished editing my photos from the Alaska Bear Boat Trip, and I have lots of photos that I consider good. After what I have learned in your workshops, I am very conservative to call a photo “good” but can report that I have many more good photos from the trip than I expected to get.
The photo opportunities in Katmai National Park were numerous, the weather was cooperative, and trips to shore resulted in excellent light. You work hard to make your trips productive, informational, and an opportunity to improve one’s photography, and this trip was no exception.
The other participants were courteous and positive individuals with whom it was fun to share travel and photographic experiences. As you know I have been on more than a dozen trips with you and often there are other repeat customers/photographers on the trips. My experience is that the photographers who make multiple trips with you are always individuals with whom it is a pleasure to spend 3-7 days. Many of these people are as interested in my photography as they are in their own, and frequently it is possible to learn from one another. These folks are friends by the end of the trip, and I look forward to seeing them again in the future. The crew of the boat is helpful, the cook is experienced, the bear guide is knowledgeable, and the food is elegant. It was amazing to eat so much good food on the boat considering the limited facilities and space in which to prepare the meals.
This trip is not inexpensive but is the most memorial trip which you offer. The success of my photography from this trip is a result of the specific organization of this trip but also from the invaluable photographic expertise that I have gotten from your trips in this past. I have and do recommend your trips to other photographers as a fun way to spend time and improve their photography. You have helped me become a better photographer and I am happy to call you “friend”. Best wishes to you and your wife, Julie.
Dennis Stone
Produced a portfolio of epic photos
My wife and I have taken two trips with Chris Dodds, Eagles in Homer, Alaska (EAGLES GALORE), and Puffins in Quebec (PUFFINS GALORE DELUXE EDITION), and both trips have produced a portfolio of epic photos.
The first trip to photograph Eagles was well-organized: transportation was outlined, a meeting place was established, and we received suggestions as to equipment, clothing, weather, and what to expect well in advance. Chris had arranged our lodging, and upon arrival, we have a short briefing on what to expect during the course of the workshop. Transportation to the site was supplied, and to say the location and the subject was excellent is an understatement.
At times, we had forty-plus eagles overhead. Chris provided suggestions as to camera settings and provided whatever guidance was required during the shoot. Chris is very helpful and a fountain of knowledge of photography, but he doesn’t push it on you. And his head was never in the viewfinder of our cameras; he photographed, but never gave the feeling that he was on a shoot and his clients were just along for the ride.
The second trip was to Quebec to photograph Puffins. Again, the workshop was well-organized as outlined above: transportation to the site was suggested along with places to spend the previous night as we were to meet in a remote area with meager places to spend the night and dine. Boat transportation to the site was provided, and at times the puffins seemed to swarm. Chris gave us pointers on shooting small, fast-flying birds as well as the equipment necessary for closeup portrait of shy little subjects.
My wife and I have travelled all over the world, and Chris stands out among the many professional photographers we have been with. He is low key, has a good sense of humour (humour, in Canada) has a great knowledge of photography which he will share with any photographer in his groups, regardless of their experience level. We will certainly travel with Chris again.
- Carl (and Cheryl) Shneider
I had one of the most incredible times of my life
It is definitely not an overstatement when I say that I had one of the most incredible times of my life this past June while on Chris’ Alaska Coastal Brown Bear Boat Trip. This experience was much more than just a workshop: From start to finish, it was an extremely well-organized adventure into a pristine wilderness area that produced many unforgettable memories and images for each member of our group.
After meeting Chris and the rest of the team in Homer, the weather cooperated, so soon the floatplane was loaded with our gear and supplies, and then we all climbed on board to begin our journey. For the next hour and twenty minutes, we flew over breath-taking scenery to the boat that would act as our home base for the next 6 days. Chris had worked hard at finding a vessel that was of ample size and had what it would take to better meet our needs and be much more comfortable for us than the other available boats – and I can attest to the fact that he was successful.
The crew was extremely warm, friendly, and eager to assist us in any way that they could, both while onboard the ship, as well as during our times on the smaller boat that was used to transport us to and from our daily drop-off and pick-up locations. The food was plentiful and simply out of this world meal after meal. It was amazing to see what could be done by one very creative and talented cook in the middle of a wilderness area. It didn’t take long for all of us to feel at home and develop a real sense of friendship and enjoyment of each other’s company, which only grew as the days of our adventure together went by. Although we had to obviously keep our voices down while in the field, there was more and more joking, laughter, chatter and other signs of camaraderie in the dining area and while travelling in the shuttle boat as we got to know each other better and better. It was one terrific group, which just added to the fun of experiencing a new place! Chris couldn’t have done a better job of putting the team together.
Before our flight out of Homer, Chris shared with us that he was delighted that he had been able to get us an exceptionally experienced bear guide and naturalist for our trip, and it quickly became apparent that Chris knew what he was talking about. Chris himself also has experience as a guide and is very familiar with bears and the areas that we would be exploring. So… when a bear was spotted, it was very interesting to watch and listen to the two of them work together to “get inside of the bear’s mind” and attempt to predict what it was going to eventually do. Time after time, within a few minutes, the bear that we had chosen to photograph did exactly what Chris and the guide had told us what it was likely to do. Therefore, since we had already moved into position and had our camera gear all set up for action, we were ready to greet the bear as it casually approached us in an ideal location to photograph it. This ability to anticipate the bear’s next move was especially helpful when it was a sow with cubs. As a result, we got to photograph them when they came out of the tall grasses that had pretty much concealed them because of their small size – enabling us to get unobscured images of them eating, nursing, playing, standing, and exhibiting all of the other entertaining things young bears do! Chris and our guide coached us in techniques as to how our group could earn the bears’ trust and, as a result, the bears were completely comfortable with us and went about their routines just as if we weren’t there. Amazing job gentlemen!
- Mike Fuller NY | USA
No matter what your level of experience you can learn from Chris!
I have been a registered NPS Nikon Pro for years and am now a registered Canon CPS pro photographer. I have had the privilege of photographing wildlife and landscape for years. When I found Chris’ website I was super impressed with the quality of images so I signed up for his Homer Alaska eagle trip for early March 2017.
Chris has a wonderful warm personality who cares about his fellow photographers on his trips. I learned additional trips and traps from him and he assisted my conversion knowledge from Nikon to Canon gear. His help was thoughtful, accurate, and delivered in a manner that assists one in getting the very best of images. His approach to using manual exposure is brilliant and one that any bird photographer should embrace for improved outcomes. He also very focused on the important light directions which can make or break your image outcomes. If you travel the London England underground tube system you cannot get the safety message “mind the gap” off your mind – when you travel with Chris you will now have the message in your mind “mind the shadow direction”. The techniques and tools Chris instills will serve you well in all your photographic moments.
I came home from this trip with stunning images that are impressive! Chris makes his duty that you obtain the type of images you hoped to achieve. Wildlife is unpredictable but Chris will assist you in going home with more than you thought possible. His knowledge of the photo industry is very deep. You will find you will enjoy the fireside chats, learn from every moment, and enjoy his company.
Chris also spends considerable time on scene to ensure that the location he determines for his photo workshop choices provides the photo opportunities you want. His pre-trip information is one of the best I have experienced for assisting your planning to the very smallest detail. I have already booked my next trip with Chris which confirms he is truly a person that you should meet and create wonderful images together.
Wynne Powell - British Columbia, Canada
If you want personal attention or just a guide who knows where and when to go, what to look for and the best way to photograph it then Chris is your man!
He's a note I received from Gill Arden (and Bob Zarnke) after my Eagles of Homer Workshop back in March 2009:
We have just returned from our third trip with Chris, it will not be the last. We enjoy being part of a small group and as there were four of us including Chris, and we got the attention and help we didn’t think we needed! After months of anticipation, being delayed by a snowstorm in Minneapolis, and the drive from Anchorage I was in a state of excessive excitement as we waited for the feeding of the eagles. Suddenly there were so many flurries of birds, swooping, diving, and retreating every which way, that I became overwhelmed. Chris appeared alongside me, calmed me down, reminded me that we were there for 5 more days, and suggested I just stand, watch and enjoy. Then return to my camera, not chase everything that moved but to pick a zone and wait for action. Still bewildered I followed his instruction and to my amazement took many keepers. Although Chris was only one of many photographers he carried on Jean’s legacy of respect for the birds and local people. He quietly suggested alternative parking spots to those who happened on private property, he organized helpers to unload fish and he called in help for an injured otter stranded on the beach. He had suggestions for our downtime and took us on several drives to enjoy the locale and he took us to excellent eating places. Oh yes, he enabled us to raise our photography standards to yet another level. He’s answered many questions since we returned and is always ready to help. We look forward to our next trip with him. If you want personal attention or just a guide who knows where and when to go, what to look for, and the best way to photograph it then Chris is your man!